Nine- The news

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Millie and Finn where on the way to his place, both of them freaking out. Millie was pregnant with Finn's babies.

"What are we gonna do Finn?" Millie asked, tears streaming down her face as they had been parked at the local park.

"Millie...calm down. The best thing for us to do is to pretend that they are Timothee's babies. It'll keep suspicions low. I know this is gonna be difficult...but I'm not gonna abandon you..." Finn said holding Millie's hand.

As he looked at her, his eyes shifted to her stomach, imagining two little babies growing inside of her...his babies. He knew that it was probably the wrong time, but he needed to speak up.

"Millie...I know that this isn't the right time...since well...this all happened...but I wanted to ask you something..." Finn said, catching Millie's attention again. She gave him a confused look.

"I promise that I'll never abandon our children...or you...since I love you three too much. Millie...will you be my secret girlfriend?" Finn asked, holding her hand.

"Yes." She spoke, smiling as she kissed him.

"Let me know how it goes when you get home..." He spoke as Millie began to drive again. Dropping him off at his house, Millie regretted ever going home to her place. Parking her car in the driveway, she could feel the confusion coming from her brother and her fiancé. She called Finn, so he could hear the entire conversation

Millie: I'm here.

Finn: Just calm down and relax. If anything happens, I'll know...and remember, stick to the plan.

Millie: Y-Yes...the plan. Pretend that the babies are Timothee's to keep suspicion low.

"Millie?" Tom asked as I shut the front door, the confusing becoming even more noticeable. I prayed that neither of them knew that Finn could hear everything.

"What's going on?" Timothee asked,

"I have some news..." I spoke, taking a deep breath in.

"I'm pregnant...with twins and they are Timothee's. Timothee and I had sex 6 weeks ago and I felt sick when I left to hang out with Sadie. I fainted and she took me to the hospital where I found out." I admitted. I knew that Finn would probably ask me so many questions.

Tom gave me the look of disbelief while Timothee looked surprised and happy.

"Oh my god!" He said happily while lightly spinning me around. I knew that by tomorrow night, he would have told his mother and father and Tom would've told my dad.

Getting out of Timothee's grip, I run to the bathroom, vomiting into the toilet as I hold my hair back. I was to arrange an appointment for 2 weeks.
I looked down at my stomach. Normal pregnancies with one baby usually go slow, the mother's baby bump growing in size around 12-16 weeks as well as finding out the gender around 18-21 weeks, but unfortunately, me being the mother of twins, my bump has grown, luckily I am still able to hide it under baggy jumpers and loose tops.

I planned to tell Sadie and Noah that I am pregnant today if they haven't already figured it out. Finn agreed that until our situation was sorted out, he wouldn't talk to me unless it was in secret or urgent. I met up with Sadie, unfortunately not telling her. I could see her gaze shifting down to my clothes, specifically the area that involved my stomach. Following her to the back of school, Noah meeting us there, I began to feel sick. I hadn't felt this sick since I found out. Noah met up with us, me holding my stomach as I felt the urge to vomit, but I luckily kept it down.

"I need to tell you guys something..." I said, releasing my stomach.

"What's going on Millie? You've been holding your stomach and you look pale as a ghost." Sadie said, pointing out the obvious. I knew there was no point sugar coating it.

"I'm pregnant..." I said, just getting it out of the way.

"You're WHAT?!" Sadie spoke, looking as if she had just encountered a ghost.

"There's more." I said, breaking Sadie out of her shock.

"I'm pregnant with twins." I spoke, being immediately being enveloped by a hug from Sadie.

"Can I see?" She asked. I nodded, lifting up my jumper and shirt.

"Aww...your already showing..." She spoke, smiling.

"Who's the father?" Noah asked, obviously asking the sensible questions.

"M-My fiancé, Timothee." I spoke, barely being able to say his name without vomiting. I hated not being able to tell the truth. I knew it was wrong to lie about the father, but Finn and I agreed that it would be more sensible to say that the twins were Timothee.

"Well...congrats..." Noah said, giving me a hug. Sadie hugged me again, smiling.

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