Eight- Double trouble

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After another 'session' with Finn, I got dressed and kissed his lips.

"You were amazing baby..." I said as I grabbed my phone. We had been hanging at his place for about 3 hours now. His family weren't home, meaning we could have as much fun as we wanted. I sat up, having felt sick since the party 2 weeks ago.

"What's wrong Millie?" Finn asked, looking at my now pale face.

"I-I don't know..." I spoke, feeling the urge to vomit slowly pass after a few seconds.
The days went on as normal, Finn and I having little escapades every chance we got. Timothee was visiting more often, only because we needed to arrange more details about the wedding and because he didn't quite trust Finn. I had unfortunately felt sick a lot more, raising some eyebrows, mostly from Sadie and Noah.

"I haven't felt this sick since I was a child..." I admitted, still feeling sick. Sadie was looking out for me, passing me a tablet to consume.

"Are you sure you're not drunk?" Sadie asked, confused.

"Yes. I haven't been drunk since the party 2 weeks ago..." I spoke eyeing Finn as he hung out with his friends. His eyes shifted to my breasts, but I didn't care.
It's been 6 weeks since the party. Millie's body hasn't decided to stop being sick. She has vomited more times in these 6 weeks than she has in her entire life. This whole friends with benefits thing was great between Finn and Millie. They could both feel the spark between them, Millie definitely willing to marry Finn if she had the chance.

Millie sat in her room, texting Finn as Timothee sat on her bed, looking through a wedding binder that Mary had given them.

Millie: I'm so bored. Timothee hasn't spoken a word to me in almost an hour and he's just reading the wedding binder that his mother gave to us.

Finn: Well...I could make your afternoon better.

Finn: Wait...why do you have to marry Timothee again?

Millie: Like I already said, his parents and my father are doing this thing and I have to help them by marrying Timothee.

Finn: How about you ditch Timothee, since you don't like him, and come hang out with me? Maybe on a date?

Millie: Nice way of asking...but 1. I still don't feel well and 2. I don't think Timothee would appreciate me leaving him.

Finn: Lie and say that your hanging out with Sadie or someone else?

Millie: Fine. I'll see you at the diner in 10.

Finn: It's a date ;)

Millie smiled, putting her phone down as she got up.

"Where are you going Mills?" Timothee asked, grabbing her hand lightly.

"Sadie and I are hanging out. I'll be back later ok?" Millie spoke, hating the fact that she had to secretly hang out with Finn.

"I love you..." He spoke, expecting Millie to say it back.

"I-I love you too..." Millie said, mentally groaning. She hated saying it to him, mainly because she didn't mean it.

She kissed his cheek, grabbing her phone before leaving the room. She drove to the diner, seeing Finn waiting for her.

After nearly 2 hours, Millie was once again feeling sick. She had felt dizzy and Finn could tell.

"This milkshake is-" Millie spoke, before her eyes went black. The next thing she knew, she was on the floor, unconscious while Finn shouted for help.
I woke up to a doctor in front of me with Finn next to me.

"Ahh, Millie...you're awake..." The doctor spoke, smiling.

"W-What happened?" I asked, confused.

"You fainted...and I know why." The doctor spoke, getting her notes.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"According to the information that you have given me about Millie's recent behaviour and what happened this afternoon, I conclude that you, Millie, are pregnant...6 weeks to be exact..." The doctor said, slightly smiling.

"W-What...I ca-can't be pregnant." I spoke, hardly believing what I had been told.

"Well the tests we ran said otherwise and congratulations, it's twins." The doctor said, smiling.

"TWINS?!" I asked, shocked. Finn's face went pale just from the news.

"C-Can we have a DNA test please?" Finn asked, basically reading my mind. The doctor nodded. I gave her a urine sample before they left the room, coming back 15 minutes later.

"We just ran the test." The doctor said, showing me and Finn he results.

"I'm the father of twins..." Finn said, his face going pale.

I looked at Finn in shock. Grabbing my phone out, I panicked.

Millie: I have some news. I'll be home soon.

Timothee: I-Ok. See you soon.

I then texted Tom.

Millie: Get home, now. I have some news.

Tom: Millie...what's wrong? What did you do?!


I put my phone away, looking over at Finn, his face still shocked. I looked down at my stomach, it looked like I had gained some weight, but I figured that since I'm carrying twins, I would show earlier than normal pregnancies.

Unknown Rivals//FILLIEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora