Twelve- Contact from home

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Millie never liked being away from home. As a child it would scare her to think about being alone somewhere, without her family. She never went to sleepovers, or long camps. That fear became a reality as soon as she was hauled off to a boarding school she had never heard of.
The day she arrived at the boarding school, she had just reached her two month mark, but having stayed there for just over a month, she was now 3 months pregnant.

"Hey preggers, move." A girl spoke as Millie had been sitting in the dining room at a table near the back. Not wanting to anger the already mean girl, Millie moved away from her seat, sitting down alone, far away from the group of 10 girls.

Millie hadn't made a single friend in the month since she arrived. She was treated like trash by most of the girls who had already been staying there.

Some girls went to juvie for medium crimes before arriving. Some girls smoked and got drunk at parties all the time before arriving. Some girls were sent there to further their education without the distraction of normal life. But Millie, she had barely done anything. She never went to juvie, or smoked. The worst thing she had done was get drunk one time and go clubbing while being underage.

Since Millie had arrived, she had no outside contact, not even with Tom or Timothee, but Millie wasn't fazed about not seeing them. She really only wanted to see Finn, Sadie and Noah.

A normal day for me is boring here. Nothing ever changes. We aren't allowed to have fun. We follow rules or suffer the consequences.

Waking up at 6am, I got dressed. Because I'm now 3 months pregnant, I have to go for a daily checkup which lasts until 10 minutes before my day officially starts.

After my appointment, I go ahead and start my day with Maths, then English, then History, then Science, then German, then Food Studies. Once my day is done, we eat food, I go for my after school checkup, then we get ready for bed. The day then repeats, over and over.

The only day that changes is Saturday. Saturday is visiting/call day. Family and friends can book a time to visit. Those who are unable to book a time can call.

I hadn't had a single call or visitor since I was brought here.

"Brown. You have a visitor." One of the staff spoke in a mono-tone, not caring. I followed her, confused. Following her into the meeting room, which was separated into 10 mini rooms, I sat down in front of Tom.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, angry that my brother sat before me.

"I'm here to see how you're-" I cut him off.

"-cut the bullshit Tom. Don't think you can sweet talk your way out." I said, giving him a death glare.

"Millie...please. Don't be angry..." Tom said, trying to reason with me, but I'd had enough.

"Don't be angry?! How dare you tell me not to be angry when you are one of the reasons I'm trapped here in this hell hole!" I exclaimed, angry at him. I rubbed my stomach, slightly calming me down, but not for long.

"Millie...I-" Tom tried to speak but I cut him off.

"-save it Tom. What do you want me to say? You want me to lie and say that my day was good?'s what it's really like. My teachers see me and treat me like trash. I haven't had any contact with anyone for a month. Girls in my dorm and around the school call me names and ridicule me because I'm pregnant and I have no friends because everyone sees me as a whore." I said, listing random things that have occurred to me.

"Remember that day...when we first met? We were told to introduce ourselves and say something about us..." I began.

"Tom, meet Millie, your new sister." Nicole spoke as she pushed the 17 year old boy towards me.

"Nice to meet you Millie." He spoke as I smiled and shook his hand.

"Now, you two get to know each other." Nicole spoke as she left us near the couch.

"I told you that I was afraid of being alone since I found out that my mother died 5 minutes after I was born." I continued.

"My mom died when I was born and now I can't be alone without panicking and getting extreme anxiety." I admitted as I sat down, a tear strolling down my cheek.

"Hey...don't cry. I'll be here for you. I'll never leave you. I'll protect you. I promise." Tom spoke as he smiled and gave me a brotherly hug.

"I thought that what you said was true...but then you broke your promise. You let my father send me away!" I said, angry and upset.

"You are my brother! You're supposed to support me and help me...but Finn, a rival gang member, had been more supportive to me, than you. It must hurt to know that your own sister trusts her boyfriend who belongs to a rival gang, more than she trusts her own brother." I lashed out, tears streaming down my face. I held my stomach.

"If you think I'm gonna forgive you...then you're dead wrong." I said angrily.

"Here's my last piece of advice..." I got closer to him. Closer than I ever wanted to be.

"Fuck. Off." I said, staring him down. I took myself back, getting up as a staff member walked over, escorting Tom out of the building.

Walking fast towards my dorm room, I ignored the harsh comments and rude girls who tried to hurt me. I got to my room, slamming my door shut as I broke down into tears. I haven't cried this much in a really long time. I eventually calmed down when I felt my twin babies kick me hard. I rubbed my stomach, finally getting some much deserved sleep.

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