Her face changes, and she backs away. I smile at her and make my way past. "Someday Jungkook... Someday you'll come to me, begging..." I turn and walk away backwards. Why is she so confident in that? "I'm sorry Miss Lisa... I never beg. So don't have hopes." Turning back I jog to my classroom.

My students all ask if I'm alright. I reassure them that I had misunderstood something a friend sent me. I finished the day and the students were heading out. I look up thinking the class is empty, but see Min-jun watching me. "Is there a problem Min-jun?"

"I don't know... You tell me Mr. Jeon... I saw how Sophia reacted to over-hearing your conversation about Seo-yeon, and then how you took care of her after. She's not here today, and you're very distracted... Is something wrong with her?"

"I told you Min-jun... I have no information about where she is today. I hope she's fit and fine wherever it is though." Saying this, I am crushed to realize it isn't a lie... I don't know where she is... Or if she is fine... He's still looking at me with suspicion, but instead of saying anything else, he walks away.

I rush to my car and call Jimin. He doesn't answer and I punch my steering wheel. Screaming in frustration, I start my car and leave to go home. Maybe she changed her mind, and will be waiting for me. I should have stayed with her this morning. I saw how upset she was... Why did I leave??


After hanging up with a panicked Jungkook, I leave my office. I arrive at the Lee house and ring the bell. When Lee Ha-eun answers, she eyes me suspiciously. "Mr. Park? How can I help you?" I am concerned I'm about to blow everything, but I have no choice...

"I was wondering... Did Sophia make it home yet? She insisted on walking, saying she wanted some fresh air."

"Really? That's not like her at all... She is almost allergic to any form of exercise, so it seems unlikely to me. Perhaps she's cheating on you already?"

Even though I know she's a horrible person, I was stunned to hear her running her daughter down. "That's a very... rude thing to say about your child... Don't you think?" I watch her face change into a scary mask.

"I don't think you know my daughter well enough yet. She's always been difficult, and contrary. The only person she ever listened to was her father. So if you think she's sweet, and incapable of lying... Think again. Good day Mr. Park."

She moved to close the door, but I blocked her. "Mrs. Lee. I am about to sign an arrangement to marry your daughter. I will handle any kind of dishonesty from her, in my own way, but not from you, or your husband. I would appreciate if you start viewing her as MY problem, and not yours. When she returns, please contact me immediately."

She didn't say anything, but slammed the door in my face. Sophia... Where are you?

I don't know what I'm going to tell Jungkook... If she's in that house, I'm not getting past the dragon at the gate...


The sun set a few hours ago. I am freezing, and I wish I had something to eat. I wonder if Jungkook is alright. I hate that I took his money... But I have to run before the worst happens. I'll go home to the US and find a job to send it back as soon as I can.

I walked by the Lee's house and the lights are still on, so I have to wait a little longer. Hopefully they'll go to bed soon and I can get in and out quick...

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