Aero continues to put away food. She soon hears more footsteps and turns to see her dad walk in with two people in jumpsuits.

"Oh. Hello."

They smile.

"Aero. These are Jack and Maddie Fenton. They're the friends I told you about. They brought the plans."

Your dad holds up the papers.

"Of course, when your father told us that your mom was lost in the ghost zone because of an experiment. We had to help."

Aero blinks and looks at her dad. He nods at her.


Maddie walks over and rubs her shoulder.

"Would you like to come over and have dinner with us? You guys just arrived, I'm sure you don't wanna cook."

Aero looks at her dad.

"Yeah, Maddie. Sounds great." He replies.

Aero walks into their house after them. Her father was having an in-depth talk about ghosts with Maddie, Jack was trying to keep up. At the top of the stairs, Danny and his friends were spying on them. They look at Aero's dad, but then Aero moves out from behind Jack. The three blink.

"Whoa, she's cute. Who the heck is that?"

"Yeah...real cute." Danny whispers.

Sam gives the two a look.

"Well, I know the guy your parents are talking to."

The two look at her.

"His name is Christopher Elkins. He's a famous engineer/researcher. He has many fields, but he's best known for the paranormal like your parents. He was married to another researcher named Charlotte Spiro."

"Was?" Tucker questions.

"Since Danny became ghost a few days ago, all the stuff I've been looking at was written by them. I came up on an article. Apparently a few years ago, an experiment went wrong and Charlotte was pulled into the ghost zone and lost."

Danny and Tucker blink.


Sam points at Aero.

"That must be their daughter. It was written 3 years ago, so I think she must've been 11 at the time."


"I'm thinking he came here for your parent's ghost portal plans so he can find his wife. Doesn't help that we were the ones that finally got it to work..." Sam explains.

Danny and Tucker marvel at Aero's dad.

"So cool..."

Danny shifts his position a bit and pushes Tucker, who falls to his butt. Everyone downstairs looks up and sees them. Aero looks and hides behind her dad.

"Danny! Get down here and bring your friends!"

Danny helps up Tucker and they walk downstairs. Jack grabs Danny's shoulders and shows him to Christopher.

"This is Danny, my youngest!"

"Hey." Danny lifts his hand to gesture hi.

Chris sticks out his hand. Danny shakes it.

"Nice to meet you, Danny."

Maddie pushes over Sam and Tucker.

"And these are Danny's childhood friends; Sam and Tucker."

Chris smiles at the two.

"Nice to meet you too."

He reaches behind him and grabs Aero's hand.

"Dad, no."

"Come on, Aero. Say hello."

He slowly pulls her out from behind him and holds her shoulders. She looks away, shyly.

"This is my daughter, Aero."

She mumbles to herself.

"Chris, how about we let them get to know each other and we'll show you the portal."

"Sounds good."

Aero blinks and looks up at her dad.

"But dad!"

"You'll be fine."

He kisses her forehead and the three walk off. Aero looks at the three other teenagers and blinks. Danny and Tucker just stare at her. Sam pinches them and they wince.

"Sorry about them, apparently, they don't know how to function like people."

Aero rubs her neck.

"It's alright, I'm just really shy. I was usually...the outcast in my hometown."

The three blink and smile.

"Us too!"

Aero gives them a confused look. Sam rests on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I think we'll get along fine. Also your name is awesome. What does it mean?"

"I think it means air or flight."


Tucker slides over to her.

"Name's Tucker. But you call me the one."

Aero raises her eyebrow.

"Is he...always like this?"

Danny walks over and flips up Tucker's beret in front of his face.

"Sadly yes."

Sam messes with Tucker and laughs. Aero looks at them and slightly chuckles.

"Maybe I will make friends..."

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