Andrew "Ack-Ack" Haldane Imagine #2

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Y/N hummed as she walked throughout the rainy, muddy land of Peleliu. She managed to snag a spare apple from chow. A rare occurrence and a new luxury amongst them all. And she managed to not only snag one, but one for her fellow officers. Maybe it wasn't the best of her as a Lieutenant. Snagging some extra food beside giving it to her men. But she had gone without eating for a bit. Giving her meals to some privates who were less fortunate. So grabbing three apples for her and her two fellow officers in command wouldn't be all too bad.

Crunching down on her apple as she approached Captain Haldane and Hillbilly Jones. Smiling at the men as she chewed down on the fruit. It didn't taste like the ones she ate back in the states. But compared to the maggot filled rice they had been eating, it was a little slice of Heaven. "What is up, boys?" she asked softly. Pulling her weapon off from her shoulder and setting it onto her lap as she sat on a rock. Jones and Haldane turned and smiled softly at the girl. The two always viewed the female as a little sister almost. But, to Haldane, she seemed to mean a bit more than that.

When Lieutenant L/N first showed up as the first female Marine officer to see combat like no other, she was viewed immediately as a weaker target. In that time, women weren't viewed as strong supports for much. But Y/N was so different. She walked with her head held high. Her weapon tightly in her grasp. She took no shit from anyone. Y/N L/N was a woman of class, yet she knew how to lead these men. She was able to earn the Marine's respect. It attracted Andrew Haldane. He respected her from the moment her boots hit the mud of Peleliu. He yearned to know more. And of course as they were in command. Like how Haldane and Jones grew close, the two accepted Y/N into the group. And that is where Haldane and Y/N blossomed.

"Hey, Lieutenant. What you got for us this time?" Andrew asked. Leaning against some sort of oil drum. Smiling at the female as his trusty Lieutenant Jones approached his side. Smiling at the female. Grinning back, she took her helmet off for a moment and set it to the side. Digging her hand into her Marine issued trousers and pulled out the two apples. They were just a normal green, Granny Smith apple. Slightly bruised, and not the biggest. Haldane's and Jones' eyes narrowed at the apples. They were sure they wouldn't get one because they let the other have them. Their men came first. Always.

"I know rations and food has been more and more scarce recently. But I snagged these for us. Actually, the cook saved them for me. Said that we deserved them since he noticed we hadn't been in line for chow yesterday or the day before. Nice boy, really. Said we needed to get our strength up for fighting the Japs!" she explained. Hopping off the rock she sat on. Slinging her weapon back over her shoulder. She never went anywhere without her rifle. Approaching the boys and placing the apples in each of their hands. Grabbing her partially eaten apple and taking a nice bite out of it. The juices dripped down her chin messily as she wiped them away with her sleeve. Causing a chuckle to be released from both her fellow officer's lips.

"Thanks, L/N. I'd swear I'd die of starvation without you," Hillbilly said softly as he rustled the woman's hair. Sometimes a break from the war to just sit and joke was needed. It gave a sense of clarity. That maybe the war would end sometime. It was just a thought but man could they dream of it. Y/N grunted and pulled away.

"Aye, Hillbilly! I already look a mess enough with this mop of hair on my head. What I would do to wash it just once," she chuckled. Giving the Lieutenant a playful punch on the shoulder. Andrew just watched. A small smile danced across his lips as he did so. She was gorgeous in his eyes.

The Captain had grown fond of the woman but just kept it to himself. Not even bringing it up to Jones. He knew war wasn't a time for love and passion. No distractions were needed of him. But no matter what, he couldn't stop himself from searching for the female Marine within combat. Needing to know she was safe. And when he realized his own doings he cursed to himself. He fell for a woman in the worst time ever. And the worst part was, he knew she felt the same.

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