Wilbur "Runner" Conley Imagine #1

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"Aye Gunny"

       I sat on the cover frozen

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I sat on the cover frozen. God I was scared. Terrified even. It seemed like the entire Japanese Army was coming at us Marines. Even as the runner, I was frozen. I never thought it would be like this. I thought this whole "Be a Marine and fight those Japs" was going to be quick. Oh good God I was wrong. This war against the Japanese seemed never ending. They had more supplies, more ammunition, and had the sense that they would rather die than surrender. No matter what. It was terrifying. And now here I was. Grenades exploding above my head, bullets flying by. The sound of gunfire not stopping. It felt like I was in slow motion. Watching man after man getting shot and or blown to pieces my artillery and grenades. I wanted to get up and help. But I was frozen into my place.

"Runner! Get your ass up and go fight god damn it!" The female's voice was known. It was Sergeant L/N. Her hair in dirty knots, but she still looked just as pretty as the first day I had met her. I felt her grab the cloth on my uniform, yanking me upwards. I grabbed my weapon and looked at her, I knew fear was all in my eyes. Though, her eyes were filled with determination. She gave me a nod before running into the sea of bullets and explosions.

Sergeant L/N has always been a leader. Hell, a female Gunnery Sergeant now in some Japanese Island, taking charge of so many men. Despite the things the guys would say, she would just go right back at them. Her bite was more powerful than her bark let me just say that. But God, she was a beautiful sight. No matter covered in blood, dirt, and mud and her uniform hanging off her due to it being so worn. Or nice and neat, her hair done completely perfectly. Smelling like sweet perfume and her hair smelling like lavender. I would take her hand either way. Of course, other guys would act like pigs sometimes, same with my friend group. Sometimes. Even though I would act that way like when we were in Melbourne, I couldn't even THINK about acting that was in front of her or towards her. She was better than that. She was so much more than an Australian broad. Oh God she was so much more.

L/N and I became friends a while back. It felt like years ago. Was it? I couldn't remember honestly. But even though she had a hard exterior and was one tough woman, she was sweet and caring. She was really funny too. I would follow her anywhere when she would lead us. Many men would. She was an amazing leader and she was praised for it.

Now I watched her as she sprinted across an airfield. The sun hitting her blood and dirt caked skin, the look of determination to get to her destination with her men behind her was spread across her face. She kept firing her rifle and throwing grenades at the Japs, only stopping to get her men to cover. I clutched my gun tightly between my fingers, sprinting across the airfield. Meeting up with my squad and Sergeant L/N. She nodded towards me once more. I returned the nod and I watched her look forward. Then screaming to the men to keep moving forward to the next form of cover. She ran in front of them, leading the charge.

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