Merriel "Snafu" Shelton Imagine #2

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   Y/N worked endlessly in the hot sun of the Peleliu Island. A wrench in her hand as she went around, fixing mortars and other small gadgets all day. An engineer's work was never done it seemed. Always something breaking or needing to be built in order to keep the Marines safe and or able to continue the fight.

  Her palms and fingers calloused from working her metal wrench and screw drivers day in and day out. Hour by hour. Some oil and grease scattered all over her. Her face had been covered in sweat dirt, and dried blood from a few cuts that littered the female Marine's hands. Beads of sweats dripped from her brow, and onto the hot dirt and sand mixture beneath her boots. Her white tank top forever stained with dirt, grease, oil, and god knows what else. 

  Snafu watched the woman work on a mortar from about twenty feet away. A smirk on his lips while he twisted a toothpick between his teeth. Enjoying every inch of the view in front of him. Her back arched, slightly bent over, dog tags dangling, sweat dripping from her sweet pink lips. Mr. Shelton could sit and watch the woman all day.

  It was no doubt Merriel Shelton had a thing for Miss Y/N L/N. He was head over heels for this woman, and everyone knew it. It wasn't like one of the Marines just trying to get some because he hadn't seen a woman in years. Well, maybe that is how it was in the start when he first met her, but after a while. When she just kept shooting him down, only made the want for that woman grow more and more. And it almost turned into some sort of need. Just the way his name would roll of her tongue. How she would scoff at his comments. Her insults never even hit him. Each word was just another notch of him falling deeper for the woman.

   Y/N's eyes glanced upwards and met with the Louisiana native. Scoffing at the sight of the wide smirk on his face. "Take a picture why don't you, it'll last longer!" she called out as she stood up the Mortar, wiping the sweat off of her forehead and flicking it off her hand. Snafu whistles with a response, god he thought she was just so pretty.

  "You know if I could, I would, sugar!" he called back, chuckling slightly. Y/N's cheeks dusted pink as she let out a soft laugh. Dropping the wrench from her hand and into the dirt. A small cloud puffing up in the process. The female approached the male Marine, her canteen filled with water stood besides his right leg. 

  Y/N reached for the metal container, but Snafu saw this as some sort of opening. Snatching up the canteen filled with water, and holding it high above his head. She threw her head back and let out a loud groan at the man.

  "Don't you have work that needs to be done? I just fixed up your stupid Mortar and I deserve a cold sip of water. And not have your filthy little Infantry hands on my canteen!" Y/N she scolded. Jumping up and down, trying her best to grab at the canteen. While Merriel was just getting his jollies.

  "Aw come on, doll. Don't you know that I broke that Mortar just to see the beautiful view of you fixing it?" that was a lie of course. The Mortar had been hit with a large rock while working at the air field that was flung by an Japanese artillery shell. Y/N huffed once more, dropping her hands down to her side and stopping her boot. Her brows furrowed. But the Cajun's smirk just grew wider. His teeth were still pearly white, she would be lying if she had said that she didn't find him at least the slightest bit handsome. Whether seeing him digging gold teeth out of a dead Japanese soldier's mouth, or washing the dirt and blood off of his face.

  "That's my damn water Merriel, I got more work to do unlike you. And i need some water in this heat!" She huffed. Licking his chapped lips her leaned in closer to her. Her eyes never leaving his.

   "Maybe for a quick kiss from the pretty little lady herself," he spoke lowly. Y/N mentally thanked the muck on her face that covered her cheeks as they turned a deeper shade of red. She laughed softly, thinking maybe he was joking. There wasn't any way possible that he found her pretty. Her hair was greasy and dirty, her uniform stunk along with the rest of her. Bruises and cuts littered her body along with sweat stains, dirt and mud caked over her body, along with patches of dried blood all over her. But when she looked into his eyes and could tell that he was in fact not joking, it made some kind a switch flip inside of her brain. A smirk came to her face as an idea came to mind.

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