John Basilone Imagine #1

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Billion Dollar Smile

   I walked may way around the lines of the fallen men

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I walked may way around the lines of the fallen men. The stench of rotting bodies in the hot sun filling the air, almost unbearable. Some men put cigarettes in there noses, while some place clothes over there faces. While many, like me, just sucked it up and didn't use anything. The stench of the Japanese corpses from within the forests traveled to the camp area. Men puked around me, some weeping at the sight of their fallen friends. It was sad, but it was the price of war.

I watched as she walked over the bodies along with the Chaplain, grabbing some dog tags whilst he blessed the bodies. The female walked along, a frown on her face. My focus was caught by her. Y/N L/N wasn't just a Corpsman for the companies to me. She was so much more. Even with the mass death that surrounded us, it was like she was my muse. Someone that I, John Basilone, couldn't wrap my head around my feelings towards the woman. We never had spoke more than a small conversation, but she had always caught my attention. She was different, strong willed, everyone loved her. She was an amazing Corpsman, her hands like magic when she worked on Marines.

I must've been staring for some while because someone tapped my shoulder hard. I turned and saw my friend Sergeant Morgan. "John, would you stop staring at Petty Officer L/N. You need to either talk to her, or stop creeping on her," he joked. A chuckle leaving his lips. I blushed slightly and smiled over at him. I shook my head slightly as I glanced to the ground. I turned around and started walking with him in the opposite direction. I glanced back at the female I had been staring at before, who was now fixing up some private. One side of my lips curled up into a smile. I chuckled, shutting my eyes and turning back around. Morgan still hadn't shut up, still teasing me. He always did. Although, he had been the only one that knew about my little crush. Could I even call it that?


Time had already whizzed by in this camp. Sooner than we thought we had began packing up the camp and started moving to our next checkpoint. It sucked, but war is war. I sighed lifting up a box, a sharp pain shot through my back. I groaned loudly and dropped the box. Which caused a large bang as it collided with the floor. I must've lifted the box wrong or something. Strings of curses slipped through my lips as I rubbed my lower back. I went to reach back down to grab the box once more, ignoring the immense pain in my lower back. Though, I heard some steps run up behind me.

"Sergeant Basilone don't pick up that box!" A familiar female voice rang out. Petty Officer L/N. I felt her grab my wrist and stand me up. I looked down at her, mentally snickering at how short she was compared to me. I winced as the bits of pain shot through my back once more. "You could've just pulled something in your back, sit down so I can make sure it isn't anything too bad," she spoke, sitting me down. I smiled slightly and shook my head. I felt her lift up the back of my shirt, my face heated up slightly. I felt her hand touch my bag, poking certain parts of my lower back, asking if it hurt. I nodded, wincing slightly. I heard her sigh. "It doesn't look too serious, but you are going to be sore," she said, pulling the back of my shirt back down and standing in front of me.

I couldn't help but stare at her. Even with the caked dirt and blood that covered her face, along with sweat. I could see through it. Y/N was just so beautiful. "Thanks doc, I'll make sure to not pick up heavy boxes for a while," I told her, standing up. I smiled down at her. She had looked up at me, a smile spread across her lips. That Billion Dollar Smile. I nearly melted in my boots. I watched as she turned to walk away. I just couldn't let that happen. It was now or never. I reached for her wrist, grasping it softly. She immediately turned around, looking up at me. I immediately retracted my hand, feeling slightly embarrassed that I had grabbed at her. "I.. I'm sorry it is just... It is just I really wanted to talk to you and I thought this would be a good time to," I explained. I felt my face heat up as I scratched the back of my neck. I watched as she fully turned around, she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you, Sergeant Basilone, getting all shy and nervous around me?" she asked. Goddamn it. I tried to defend myself. But instead, it came out in stutters and making me seem like a nervous idiot. Instead of a big strong Marine in charge. She smiled at me, a small smirk then forming. "Well then John Basilone, go ahead, talk to me then," she spoke, leaning against a crate. I decided to straighten out my back and stood out straight. Now or never John, now or never.

"I just, I think you're beautiful L/N, and I know we haven't really spoke but you've caught my eye ever since I came to this Island. I know that out of the rest of the hundreds of Marines around here must've said the same thing and more. And I don't really know where I'm going with this but..." I trailed off. I looked away, trying to avoid her eye contact. What I didn't see was Y/N standing on the tips of her toes, grabbing my chin and turned my face so she could softly kiss my cheek. I blushed like a mad man, now at a loss for words. I watched as she went back down on her feet and put a hand on her hip, the smile back on her lips. I stared at her, my eyes wide.

"It's good to know you feel that way Sergeant. Now, I got Marines to go take care of, so come see me in a little while," she told him, turning to smile at him. I nodded, still not being able to find words to say to her. She winked and then turned around, putting her helmet back on and walked off. I watched as she pulled a cigarette out of her back pocket and put it between her lips, then lighting it and walking to the medical tent.

I smiled to myself. Morgan came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. I craned my neck to turn around and look at him. "I saw that, good job John!" he said playfully. I smiled, looking down and shook my head softly. I looked back up at the medical tent, looking back at the girl that left me starstruck. Morgan's eyes followed mine, a chuckle leaving his lips.

"She's going to be the death of me, Morgan," I stated. I chuckled, looking back at Morgan. Who just shook his head and stayed staring at the medic tent.

"I best be the best man at the wedding," he joked, patting my shoulder before turning around and walking away. I just smiled and looked down. Maybe, just maybe.

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