Lew "Chuckler" Juergens Imagine #2

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AN: The beginning is a nightmare, it is meant to be confusing and strange. I promise I'm not that bad of a writer so please bear with me :).

   "I Need You"

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   I stood over the mound of bodies. Blood soaked my  uniform and my hands dripped the red liquid. I panted, my chest rising and falling rapidly. My rifle hung loosely between my fingers. I brought my free hand to cover my mouth and nose from the awful stench of rotting bodies that practically covered the ground completely. The faces of dead Japanese soldiers singed into my brain as I stepped over them. The sight was really never easy to get used to, like the smell. I just kept walking, taking in my surroundings. I was alone, seemingly completely alone. I spun around in a circle, still seeing no other Marines. Alright, what the fuck was going on? 

    It was quiet. Scarily quiet. A could hear a small ringing in my ears. It started to cause a pain in the back of my head. Either way, it was probably smart if I began looking for others. It clearly isn't safe on your own in these Islands. No matter how many Japs seemed dead. So that's what I  began doing. I continued stepping over the countless bodies. The stench only getting worse as I walked along. I gagged slightly. Funny to think that I had dealt with these dead Japs for a couple years now, and I still couldn't even deal  with the stench. It still made me sick every time. 

    I kept walking, panting and anxiety levels rising. I gulped as I continued. I looked down at my uniform. It felt heavy, and it went from a dark green to a dark red. It smelt awful. There was just so much blood. What did I do? I stopped dead in my tracks. The ringing in my ear grew louder and the pain in my head grew. It got deafening. I winced as I brought my hand up to my ear. This wasn't making sense. The blood, the hundreds of dead Japs, no Marines anywhere, this painful ringing in my ear. None of it added up.

   I dropped my rifle and looked up. Everything seemed blurry, way out of focus. I looked around slowly, the ringing grew louder and I yelped as I gripped the side of my head. I tried to put my focus back in front of me again. Everything was a complete blur. I continued to walk on forward, keeping a hand over my right ear. As I continued to walk forward, I stepped on the dead men beneath my feet. It was fine until I tripped on one of them and I tumbled forward, landing on the chest of one. Nose to Nose with the dead man. Oh god the smell was unbearable. But the fact that my nose was touching with a dead man and that it's cold lifeless eyes were all I could see was so much worse.

   I jumped up quickly. Pushing myself away from the man and pushing myself up. The ringing no louder than ever. It overcame the silence as it seemed like the ringing was all to hear. I stood up shakily and continued walking forward. Through the blur, I could see a line of Marines with their backs facing me. I tried to regain myself as I looked at them.

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