Lew "Chuckler" Imagine #1

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A Date In Melbourne

A Date In Melbourne

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      Here we are. In Melbourne. Finally off the god forsaken Island of Gaudalcanal. Instead of being without showers, without hot chow that is just rice and most of the times maggots, fear that the Japanese would ambush us and kill every last one of us, and the fact that we didn’t have toilets or anything. Here, in Melbourne, Australia, we have nice hot showers, changes of clothes (that are actually clean), no fear of Japs coming at any random time, and hot and actual flavored chow in our bellies. We were sleeping on cots in what seemed to be a sports stadium instead of makeshift beds and or hammocks in run down cots in a jungle. And weren’t being eaten alive by mosquitoes every single day throughout the night. Which was more than a blessing. It wasn’t the best in the world, but it was much better than what we had on Guadalcanal. Right now, I wouldn’t give this up.

    It was Thursday night, almost every man was out on the town in Melbourne. Most clean shaved, Charlies ironed nicely and hair combed neatly. Most Marines, Seamen, and Soldiers were all done up, hoping to get lucky with some Aussie broads they find at bars or god knows where else. Being the only female United States Marine around here, I went out with my small group of course. Runner, Chuckler, Phillips, and Leckie. They went out to bars and went around the town and of course, with my quieter personality, I followed them around. Though, I didn’t try to get with any guys. I had my eyes set on a man for a while now, a man within my company. A tall, handsome, brown haired man with the name Lew, but nicknamed Chuckler. God he was so perfect. Funny, handsome, caring. I would like to say I had fallen in love with him, but the war we were in, there is no place for love. So I kept my feelings hidden to myself. Only stealing glances of the man, knowing damn well the look in my eyes were filled with love. But, either way, I wanted no one to know what I had felt, especially him. Though my feelings and my emotions were getting even stronger, and all I ever wanted to do tonight was ask Chuckler to dance with me or go walk around Melbourne with me. But I was terrified. Scared of what he would think, scared of what others would think. Chuckler and I grew close when I joined the little group. Along with the four others. I didn’t want to lose anyone due to a stupid little crush.

    Runner, Chuckler, Hoosier and I had been left in a bar after Sydney and Leckie ran off with some girls. But, it got late quickly, Hoosier and Runner went back to the stadium to turn in for the night. Leaving Chuckler and I giggling away and drinking, singing, and hanging with other Marines within the bar. It was nice until one of the guys that drank just a little too much got handsy and kind of forceful. Grabbing onto my waist tightly as he said some gross comments about me being a woman in a nicely fit uniform. With trying to push him off, it wasn’t working. It was until I saw a large hand clap onto the man;s shoulder and pull him backwards. Slamming the guy's body onto the floor. I gulped as I looked up, seeing no other than Chuckler. I smiled slightly as he gave his goofy smile right back. I felt the heat rise to my face as he grabbed my hand and stood me up, looking me over quickly checking to see if I had any injuries.

    “Let's get out of here Y/N,” He said huskily before, pulling me out of the bar. Laughing slightly at his actions, he had a small smile on his face. And that smooth mother fucking snaked his arm around my waist so smoothly I was so shocked and a little confused on what he had done. He had a small smirk on his face, a goofy one that is. “What are you doing there Chuckler?” I asked, looking up at him when he pulled me closer to him. “This is my time to shine Y/N, better make my move now right?” he asked rhetorically. I laughed slightly, a pink shade was brought to my cheeks. I smiled as we walked. “I’ve liked you for a while now Y/N, I was wondering if this night could be our little date?” he asked so sweetly. I smiled widely and nodded quickly and happily. I watched his eyes light up and his smile grew even wider as he grabbed my hand and ran. Guiding us down the sidewalk and running down to the beach, laughing happily. When we reached the beach, we kicked off our shoes and Chuckler rolled up his pant legs and we walked down into the water. Kicking water at each other, laughing loudly and we chased each other. I watched as Chucker was hit by a wave and he faced plant right into the water. Fully submerged into the water, I ran over laughing in order to help the tall man out.  He then yanked me down into the cold Australian water with him. Getting my entire uniform soaked in salt water. I pulled my head above the water, gasping for air and I hit Chuckler in his chest, cursing. He smiled at me as he picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the water. He placed my feet onto the sand. The grainy texture sticking to my skin. I laughed softly as Chuckler walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

    He was being gentle. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Smiling up at this. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I had been dreaming. I have wanted this for so long. I thought he was going to kiss me, until the goofball picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed slightly, soon laughing as I punched his back lightly.

    “Put me down Lew!” I laughed as he ran down the beach. He ran to the little pier and placed me back down slightly. He still had his wide smile. My face was bright red.I smiled back at him. I fell in love all over again. This was when his smile faded as he inched closer to me. Our eyes never left each other. Our faces got closer and closer. It was happening. I watched as he shut his eyes and I shut mine soon after. Our lips just grazed against each other at first a few times. It was awkward at first. The height difference between the two of us is pretty large. Chuckler was very tall, and I really wasn’t. Though, after a few seconds, our lips finally connected. They moved in sync, it felt perfect. My heart fluttered and I smiled against his lips.

    Lew pulled away slowly, looking down at me with a soft smile. I smiled back, my face felt as if it was on fire. “Hey, Y/N, I was wondering. Even though we are in the middle of a war, I need someone to fight for. Please be my girl?” his voice was shy and soft. My smile grew wider. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my eyes focused back on his.

    “I would love to Lew.”

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