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Hey! Libi here!

This is my first time writing a fanfic to actually post, so feel free to comment and tell me what you think! 

The chapter is a little short, but you can expect longer chapters in the future.

I do not own DC or PJO, unfortunately. If I did things would be a lot different. 

Just a heads up, I do not have a lot of experience in writing Wonder Woman so things may be slightly off at first. I do plan on tweaking her backstory to fit the plot.

Please enjoy!


      The sun glinted off the glass and steel of the towers. Bright autumn leaves drifted in the chilly breeze, from the intermittent trees onto the grey sidewalks, creating the occasional spot of color in the otherwise desolate landscape.

      A figure sat perched on her throne, scowling at the scene below her. As she peered down, the brightly colored characters danced across the city beneath; their shouts and crashes interrupting the silence and the dust from their battle rising like waves over the evacuated area.

      A pair of stone beasts run amuck in the streets. The fight lasted mere minutes.  Flashes of gold and streaks of red and blue marred her creations as they fought. The statues did not get far before they finally crumbled with twin shrieks of agony.

      The 'heroes' briefly converged after their victory, conferring and deliberating, before dispersing, each back to their separate lives. The figure's attention was caught only by one though...

      Diana Prince. Wonder Woman

      The daughter of Zeus was conversing with a blue and red being, another hero, as she made her way back to switch to her civilian persona. They talk for a bit as they walked, until the blue hero peeled off to his own city. Diana continued on towards her own apartment, oblivious of prying eyes.

      She suspected nothing of the plans that awaited her.

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