Chapter 1 - Marble Lions

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 Hello again! Libi here!

I have another update for you! Enjoy!



L- Texting

 Diana's POV

    If anyone, twenty-four hours ago, had asked her if this was how she had expected her day to go, Diana would have thought Dionysus had gotten to them. Four hours later, and she was wishing that she had listened to her instincts and not gotten up this morning. But let's start from the beginning...

Twenty-Four Hours Before...

    Diana Prince awoke with a start to the sound of a loud vibration.


    Her League Communicator was buzzing on her nightstand, screen alit with messages. Diana sighed and got up, with a sudden feeling of dread, like something horrible was going to happen soon. That same feeling you get when you wake up on the day of a big test that you had forgotten to study for.

    She shook off the feeling and quickly grabbed her com to see what all the fuss was.

    Batman- Watchtower has detected a magical energy spike in Metropolis

    Superman- I think I see it. It looks like a pair of... living statues? They're rampaging through 12th Street.

    Zatanna- That sounds like an animation spell.

    Captain Marvel- I'm in the area. I can help.

    Flash- I'm not but I can get there... in a Flash.

    Superman- Not the time Barry.

    Flash- Sorry.

    Batman- I have things to attend to in Gotham, so if you have it under control, Batman out.

    Now, Diana had had some previous experiences with animated stone creatures. There had been a sorcerer in Gotham a few weeks ago who had brought all the gargoyles in the city to life and set them loose. Diana had been called in to help keep the situation under control so Batman, Nightwing, and some of the other Gotham heroes could go after the sorcerer. The gargoyles were tough, but that was nothing compared to her demigod strength and Amazonian training.

    Diana- I can also assist if needed.

    Superman- Awesome. Hurry though. We're trying to contain the damage but only magic seems to have any effect on them.

    Quickly putting on civilian clothes with her uniform underneath, she took off, running out of her apartment and onto the street. She put some distance between her and her apartment to throw off any observers. Just as Diana was about to duck into a nearby alleyway to switch identities, she slammed into something...

    She immediately realized that thing was a woman.

    "I'm so sorry! Are you hurt?"

    The woman waved her hand dismissively, like a queen at a parade. She was wearing a white dress with a peacock green shawl.

    "No, my dear, not at all!"

    She had a faint accent that, for some reason, Diana couldn't quite place.

    "Well, if you're sure, I should really be going."

    Diana continued into a nearby alleyway and quickly slipped her over clothes off to become Wonder Woman!

A/N- Warning! I am not great at combat scenes, so bear with me!

    Wonder Woman flew towards the source of the disturbance. As she arrived, she saw that Superman, Flash, and Captain Marvel were already there. Flash has helped with the evacuations, so the streets already looked abandoned, with the exception of the police lines on either end.

    There were several smashed storefronts and cars, and in the epicenter of all the destruction, was a pair of white marble lions. They were large and disproportionate, with large heads, jaws, and paws as compared to their bodies, like the decorations you'd find outside a Chinese restaurant. They growled and swatted at anything that got close, and, considering the large scratch on Superman's arm, their magical nature let them overcome invulnerable.

    Captain Marvel seemed to be trying to throw lightning at them, but they were unnervingly fast and strong, so it wasn't too effective.

    Wonder Woman threw her lasso and snagged one of the lions, swinging it into the concrete and sending a wave of dust in every direction. A blur of red streak through the other, sending it to the ground. Flash stopped and waved at her.

    "Hey, Wondy! Glad you could make it!"

    Wonder Woman pulled her lasso loose and nodded.

    "Glad I could be of assistance!"

    Captain Marvel took the opportunity to blast the second lion with his magic lightning. It roared and a scorched, cracked patch was visible on its side. Encouraged, the heroes doubled their efforts. Flash and Captain took one, and Wonder Woman and Superman took the other.

    Within mere minutes, the fight was over, Wonder Woman having tied one down and Flash playing distraction while Superman and Captain Marvel dealt the final blow. The two lions crumbled with a disturbing yowl.

    Captain and Flash ran forward to congratulate each other and exchange theories, but Diana faltered. The strange dread from this morning was back. Suddenly, Diana whipped around towards the building top above her. There was no one there.

    Superman seemed to notice her sudden hesitance.

    "Hey, Wonder Woman, are you okay? You look a little pale all of the sudden.."

    "I'm fine, Superman. Just thought I saw something for a second. I guess I was wrong..."

    "Alright. If you're sure."

    But the wrongness feeling didn't leave.

    As Diana walked home, she couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was.

    She and Superman had parted ways after comparing notes on the battle and he had been sure to inform her of the latest League developments. Apparently, Batman had decided on having a spontaneous meeting tomorrow over the increase of supernatural activity lately. Diana was expected to be there too because she was one of the few leaguers who had experience in magic and mythology.

    As she walked back towards her apartment, Diana had a sudden chilling sensation. This wasn't too unusual, considering that it was early fall, so she ignored it and continued on. When she got to her door, however, it happened again, this time accompanied by a pounding headache.

    Diana almost groaned aloud at the thought of the battle report waiting for her...

A/N- Some quick background... 

-The League does not know Captain Marvel's identity yet (except for maybe Batman, because he's Batman!)

-Young Justice does exist, but I am changing some of the timelines of that too

-Tim Drake is still Robin, and Jason is back (not that they'll be very involved right now, but this will give you some perspective on the timeline)

-I am also drawing from the Justice League Unlimited series

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