Chapter 7

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The door is OPEN! They both jump up, stiff from their long night on the floor, and weakly they rush toward the open door. He stops her body, holding her back with one arm. He hunches over and grabs a piece of broken wood from the crumpled chair, holding it in one hand like a weapon as he moves closer to the doorway, still holding her body behind him with his arm.

They listen closely and hear nothing. He kicks at the door, until it swings open loudly and he jumps through the doorway into the other room. He looks around, all around, still holding his makeshift weapon. He motions for her to come into the room. It's completely empty but the next door is also open. He moves straight to it, kicks it open with another loud thud, and steps in to look around. He motions for her to follow. She runs to catch up to him stepping into the first room she entered last night.

On the table is her coat and purse, and his coat, laid out neatly. He walks past the items to the other door at the far end, and tries the handle, it opens. He turns back to her nodding, she grabs her items off the table, taking his coat and stepping up close behind him. He flings the second door open, holding out his weapon ready for any encounter. He grabs her hand, dragging her through the door into the hallway. He moves quickly along the corridor, searching for signs of the kidnappers, but no one is there. He stops at the door to the side alley, the door where she came into this space and he turns to her.

"Are you OK Isabel?" he asks concerned, his eyes wide and alert.

"Yes, I'm ok. This is the door I came in through last night, it leads to the street," she tells him. He nods.

"I'm going to open it, and we are going to run, OK? no matter what happens, no matter who is out there, we just run right?" She nods at him as he breathes heavily, perhaps psyching himself up. "Don't let go of my hand." She nods again.

"I understand." She's frightened, but so relieved to have him there with her.

He nods to her one more time before he turns the handle and forces the door to the outside open, rushing through it, and running as fast as he can, pulling her in her heels behind him down the alleyway, toward the street. He runs past several warehouses and storefronts all empty or shut, and he stops, breathing hard. He looks around at the empty street. The sky has just started to get light and the streetlights are still on, illuminating them. He is confused by his location and he turns to her.

"Where are we?" he asks.

"Itaewon," she looks at all the empty storefronts coming into her focus with the increasing light. He's still holding the weapon in his hand but he looks around at the empty space and drops it to the ground. She reaches into her bag and pulls out her mobile phone to see the time. "It's nearly 7," she tells him as she dials and holds the phone to her ear.

"Who are you calling?" he asks stepping closer.

"The police," she tells him. He grabs the phone from her hands and stops the call. She looks at him shocked.

"Don't. Let's think about this first." He keeps her phone, takes her hand and starts walking down the empty street, looking around.

"What do we have to think about?" she is confused. He is satisfied no one is around them. He stops and turns to face her.

"If we call the police, we will spend all day at the police station. We will have to sit in separate rooms and be interviewed and answer questions and who knows when we will get out."

"Are you saying we should wait to call the police?" She stands in front of him shivering against the chill of the morning. He nods at her and steps closer, taking his coat from her arms and putting it on, placing her coat over her shoulders. He adjusts the coat to hang over her, and runs his hands up and down his arms to warm her up. He looks into her eyes, as she waits for him to explain.

"It's Christmas. Wouldn't you rather go back to my house, warm up, have a nice meal, and sleep in a proper bed?" he asks brushing a stray hair from her forehead. Her eyes search his, unsure of what he's asking. "If we go to the police, there's no Paris. I think I deserve a holiday," he says. She nods, starting to understand why this would be better for him. He kisses her cheek softly and whispers into her ear, "And I think you deserve a holiday too."

He lifts her chin to bring her lips close to his and he kisses her, slowly, and tenderly, letting his arms slide over her waist under her draped coat and pulling her close to him. She lets herself be kissed, as her mind tries to work out what he is suggesting. As she begins to understand she pulls back from his kiss and looks into his eyes.

"So this isn't goodbye?"

"Nope," he teases, smiling at her. "Why don't you get us a taxi and we can get out of here," he suggests. He walks her toward the corner of the street, seeing people in the distance and a small empty park to the side. She looks down at her phone to order a taxi, taping on the screen, using their location,  as she follows him into the park.

"It should be here in twenty minutes," she tells him. He sits down on a bench and holds his arm out to her.

"Hmmm, what can we do for twenty minutes," he grins at her suggestively. She tries to hide her smile as she sits in his arms. She turns towards him as his hand slips up to cup her face, pulling her lips closer to his. He whispers, "Merry Christmas Isabel."

"Merry Christmas Taehyung." She runs her hand through his hair as he presses his forehead to hers.

"Did your wish come true?" he asks.

"Not fully, but it's Christmas all day," she says leaning up to kiss him, feeling soft warm lips pressing against hers.

An alert on her phone interrupts them. She pulls back from the kiss to look down at the phone. It's a message from Chloe that reads:

'Merry Christmas, you owe me one.'

They both read the message together but it doesn't make them quite as angry anymore. They look at each other and she shakes her head, frowning.

"What will we do about Chloe?" she asks. He leans back down and kisses her again, deeper and more passionately, and she feels herself get lost in his kiss, gripping him tightly.

"We'll figure out how mad we still are when we get back next month."

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