Chapter 2

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The door slams behind her and she hears the man lock it back up. Inside is not much lighter than the outside with only a sickly green florescent light above them illuminating a wide concrete hallway.

"Follow me," he instructs her as he turns to walk down the hall. Isabel isn't sure she should, but she doesn't want to be in this space alone either.

"Where- where is Chloe?" she asks worriedly.

"I'm taking you to her," he calls back without turning to face her.

"What is this place?" She looks around, finding no clues to the type of warehouse it is, or what sort of business they do. It's dirty and smelly and it doesn't look like it's been used for several years. "Is this a club?" He laughs at the idea and keeps walking.

"Is it a factory?" she tries again picking up her step to keep pace with him.  He stops near a door and turns to her.

"It's a sort of factory; a dream factory," he laughs as he turns the handle, opening the door for her to pass through. She stands still, looking at him, studying him. He indicates she should enter the room, and as she does, he turns and pulls the door closed, leaving her inside alone.  She jumps as the door is shut behind her and she looks around the room, listening, she thinks she might hear muffled shrieks. Her eyes grow wide when suddenly the door on the far wall is opened. She turns toward the door behind her and tries the handle, suddenly wishing she wasn't standing in this room alone, but the door is locked to her. She turns back to see Chloe standing behind her smiling. She stares at her in shock.

"Chloe, what the hell! What is this?" She lets go of the door handle and turns to face her. Chloe smiles at her, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm so glad you came Isabel, you won't regret it."

"Who was that man?"

"A friend who is helping me, don't worry about him." She walks towards her, arms out. "Can I take your coat and purse?" She stands, hands out expectantly. Isabel pulls her coat tighter around herself in protection. She shakes her head 'no'. "I'll rephrase. Give me your coat and your purse," she says in a much more serious voice. Isabel stares back at her.

"What's going on?"

"You are perfectly safe, but you have to leave your coat and purse here. Nothing will happen to your things." She tilts her head to study Isabel, smiling in a friendly way. Isabel looks around the room again before deciding to hand over her purse and her coat, unsure why she's really doing it. "Your mobile is in the purse?" She checks. Isabel nods. She lays down her items onto a table behind her and smiles. "Well, are you ready?"

"For what?" Isabel feels a little exposed, standing in her work clothes, no coat, no purse, no phone, in this dark empty space, and she wonders if she really knows Chloe all that well to begin with.

"For your Christmas wish silly." She ushers her towards the door at the far end of the room. She begins to open it and Isabel steps closer.

"What are you talking about?" Isabel walks with her into another darkened room with yet another door. She notices that Chloe closes the door behind them and locks it. "Chloe, I'm starting to get a little freaked out by this," she tells her in the understatement of the year. Chloe winks at her.

"Relax, it'll be worth it in the end." She opens the last door and Isabel can see a figure seated in a chair almost in silhouette. She sees the figure struggle in the shadow, and a sound escapes almost like he's crying out, his body pushing against something, rocking the chair.

"What the hell?!" She stares hard trying to figure out what she is seeing.

"Your wish, it's coming true. I'll be back in 12 hours." Chloe slams the door closed, locking it behind her. Isabel turns away from the figure in shock as the door is slammed shut. She pulls at the door, terrified.

"Chloe what is going on?! Open the door! OPEN THE DOOR!" She screams through the steel as she alternates pounding on the door and pulling at the handle which holds firm.  "Chloe?!  Please, I don't know what you've done but this isn't funny! This is sick, open the fucking door right now!" She continues pounding on the door, and pauses a moment to listen. There is no sound from the other side, but she can hear muffled shouts behind her. The male voice is deep and loud but she can't make out any words just sounds.  Slowly she turns her body toward the location of the sound, toward the figure in silouette, and her eyes grow wide with fear, trying to work out who he is and what has happened to him.

She steps closer as she sees the chair begin to sway against his heavy weight, and then it topples over on to the concrete floor with a loud thud. The figure cries out at the pain. She forgets her fear and rushes to kneel beside the figure, touching his smooth white shirt.  His dark hair hanging against the floor as he struggles, his arms bound behind him, his legs bound to the chair. His body flinches hard against her touch.

"I'm sorry, let me help you up," she says, sensing the figure isn't a threat to her. She struggles with the chair to try to lift it back upright. The legs drop back onto the floor and the figure is brought back up to the seated position again. She looks up from the floor as he flicks his hair aside off his face and she gasps. It's Kim Taehyung. It's Kim Taehyung, bound to a chair by ropes and gagged with a cloth.  His hair is hung with sweat and beads line his forehead.

His eyes are in a fury like a caught wild animal. He stares at her with such a hatred it makes her blood run cold. He breathes hard against the gag in his mouth and she stares back at him dumbfounded, frozen in a mix of fear and disbelief. He cries out from behind the gag and it stirs her to action. She reaches behind his head and pulls the gag down off his mouth, feeling it entangle with his hair and pulling several strands out. He grimaces at the pain and struggles against it as it's pulled away from his lips. He spits onto the ground next to her, removing the horrible taste of the fabric.

"Who the hell are you?!" he demands, panting heavily and staring at her with the same deep soulful eyes she's looked at from screens and magazines for years but now filled with rage.

She pulls her body away from him quickly, cowering under his harsh glare. "I- I'm Isabel."

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" he asks snidely.

"I- I don't know what's going on," she offers, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. "I don't know why you are here. I don't understand what's happened."

Struggling against his restraints, he shouts at her, "What's happened is that your friend kidnapped me!"

All I Want For Christmas / BTS / V /  KTH FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat