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Jungkooks pov

I sigh standing in front of my parents dressed in my outfit for homecoming game

I sigh standing in front of my parents dressed in my outfit for homecoming game

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I sigh "there is something I need to tell you both... a-about the boy" my dad nods "okay...now we're getting somewhere" I take a deep breath "hes-" the doorbell rings and my mum smiles "here!" My eyes widen "whoa whoa you do not wanna open that door!"

They walk to the door and my dad Huff's "don't be ridiculous!" I follow them to the door
They're gonna find out jimin is a zombie!! They're gonna disown me!
I sigh

"Yea! Open it! Its true...my date to the homecoming game is-"

"Handsome" my mother cuts me off

My eyes widen "w-what?" I rush to the door and my eyes widen

"Y-you look-" My father cuts me off "dashing!" Jimin holds some flowers up to my mum and she smiles "thank you

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Y-you look-"
My father cuts me off "dashing!" Jimin holds some flowers up to my mum and she smiles "thank you...they're beautiful"
My dad steps outside "so!...how did you meet my son?"

Jimin smiles "he's a cheerleader and I'm a footballer..." My dad smiles "no really?...I use to play a little myself....I was a fullback!" Jimin smiles "no way! I'm a fullback" my dad gasps "no" jimin nods "yeah!"

My dad highfives him "this is amazing!!" I stare at them shocked and then push past them "we're gonna go to the homecoming game now" my mum grabs my hand "Kookie... he's such a nice boy..where did you dig him up"

Jimin waves from the end of the path "nice meeting you!" They both wave. I ignore their question and then walk to jimin holding his hand "how did you-", he smiles "I adjusted my z-band...I can feel the energy flowing through my bones right now! Its awesome!"

He then smirks "we've still got time before the game if you wanna~" he winks at me and I shove his arm, he chuckles "get ice cream...I owe you a real date" he then walks towards the ice cream store. I smile "a date?" He nods, I smile wider

We arrive at the ice cream parlor and he smiles, I open the door and walk in and then gasp when he groans and grips his wrist to his chest "ah ouch!" I walk to him "are you okay?" He nods "yeah I'm fine! Just y'know making fun of the other football team when they fall over...I'm excited that's all"

I nod "oh okay... let's go" we both walk in and sit down, I giggle reading the menu "vanilla...vanilla... double vanilla....vanilla....can you guess what the last one is?" He smirks "vanilla" I gasp and act suprised "whoa how'd you guess"

He smiles "you guys have a wife variety" I nod "of vanilla" we both laugh a little and a waitress walks over handing us our ice cream and we both say thank you.

He eats some "y'know what? Vanilla works" I roll my eyes a little "the most 'normal' flavour of the bunch" he leans closer to me "I've always wanted to come here...and now...here I am...on a date...with you....this is so great"

I put my ice cream down and nod a little. I then look down and he smiles "right?" I look at him "is it jimin?..." He nods "look at us! We're together" I nod "but you're forced to be someone you're not...here and on the football field..." He shrugs "so? You wear a wig to fit in...why can't I do the same with with my z-band?..why is that so bad?"

I reach over and then grab his sleeve so it's covering his band. And I then leave my hand ontop of his "because it's not right..." He sighs and I look down and then look at him "we're changing ourselves...when in reality...it's everyone else who needs to change"

He looks at me "kook were gonna make this work... Everything is great....trust me" I sigh and nod "alright..."

Awhile later

I help Felix with his hair and smile "take your pom poms out today Lix.." he tilts his head "hm? But I'm not a starter" I smile "who says?...it's time things change around here" he smiles

We all then walk onto the field and I smile when the game starts and I watch jimin walk onto the field

Almost the end of the game and we're losing. The other team calls a timeout and jimin sits down on the bench, I run to him "hey...you okay?" I sit next to him. He smiles and nods "yeah ...yeah almost there....I do this and we win"

I hear Yoongis voice "JUNGKOOK!" I smile "I have to go....but I'll be cheering for you"
"JUNGKOOK!" I hesitate but then kiss his cheek and stand up walking to yoongi

The game starts again and I stand in front of everyone "GIVE ME A ZOM." the crowd cheer "ZOM!" I smile "GIVE ME A BIE!" The crowd cheer loudly "BIE!!" Yoongi shakes his head and cuts me off "no no no, you're way to good of a cheerleader to throw you're life away jungkook"

I look at him "I'm cheering for a change" I push him away from me making the other cheerleaders gasp, I smile "yoongi" he looks at me shocked and then smirks "don't do it"

I hesitate but then smile "GIVE ME A ZOM!!"






They all cheer and yoongi crosses his arms "last chance" I take a deep breath "WHAT DOES THAT SPELL?!" Yoongi points at me "you're off the team you freak!!"
I stare at him shocked and then Felix runs to me "GO ZOMBIES!!!! YEAH!!!"

The crowd cheer, yoongi points at Felix "you're off the squad too!!" I hug Felix and he hugs back
We both then jump up and down cheering with the crowd for zombies

This is great!! Zombies are getting the love they deserve!!!!

"YAY!!! GO JIMIN!!!!!"

zombie love(jikook)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin