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Jimins pov

I stand in line with the other footballers and the coach walks down the line "WELCOME! To football tryouts!! As you know this town is a cheerleading town! Because this town likes to win!...and our football team is AWFUL! So we are not going to win this year..and I'm probably gonna lose my job!...GOOD news for you though is that you all made the team, whoopty doo"

I gasp "what! I've made the team?" He points to me "except for the zombie" my eyes widen "what?!" He nods "the principal said you guys shouldn't even leave the basement..she didn't tell you?"I shake my head "nope...no..don't think so...think I would have remembered that..."

After a short silence I sigh "come on just let me be on the team!" He huffs "we can't have a zombie on the field! We'll look like a laughing stock...and besides I'm no train blazer...I'm more of a follower.... actually...I'm not really good at that..."

I scoff "so much for change..thanks for nothing" I walk away from the field.

I make it back to the basement when the bell rings for the end of school, I meet up with hoseok, namjoon and taehyung again, I tell them Everything that happened and we walk out together. Taehyung sighs "football sucks anyways" I roll my eyes "wow thanks for the pep talk"

I look at them "y'know I think that cheerleader likes me" namjoon tilts his head "the one that punched you?...in the face" I nod "yeah yeah yeah! I think there's something there... y'know?" Hoseok sighs "dude...humans are bad...but cheerleaders are monsters!"

He gestures to graffiti on the wall that says 'No Zombies' tae sighs "things need to change.." they walk past me and I sigh "but..maybe jungkook is different..."


Yoongi blows the whistle "okay! Let's go! Line up!" All of us line up, I stand next to Felix (a friend I met through cheer who would love to be a flyer) Yoongi looks around "welcome to cheerleading tryouts....it's nice to see so many...... wannabes" my eyes widen a little

He laughs a little "I mean...if I was in your position I would want to be me, considering we're already on the cheer squad" him and Jin laugh while all of us stand still a bit hurt from what he said.

Yoongi stops laughing and then glares at all of us "you need to bring it...like! My assistant captain! Kim seokjin!" He points to Jin and we all clap for him

Yoongi then shushes us "today's tryouts are going to be easy....the hardest thing you'll have to do is a back handspring funky chicken round off mashed potato split with a robot down powering finish"

I nod and smile while a lot of others look at him shocked and confused, he smirks "afraid?" He looks at each and every one of us and some nod slightly. I put my hand up and he smiles "yes! Jungkook" I smile "captain yoongi was that funky chicken Cajun or shake'n bake"

She shrugs "well...I've never heard of Cajun so spice it up!" I giggle and then turn to Felix "we got this"
Jin steps forward "this team does not think small.." yoongi rolls his eyes "cheer until it hurts!" He then claps and music starts making all of us gulp a little.


"Listen up, it's not so tough
I'll tell you how it's done
There's really nothing better
Than to hear you're number one
And I know how to get a crowd
Right up and on their feet
So if you want them in it
I'll show you how to get it"

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