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The next day
Jungkooks pov

I run towards yoongi who was walking into school "hey!....hey!" He stops and smiles Looking at me "morning kook! What's up?" I sigh and fiddle with my bag a little "zombies are students here too hyung..... picking on them isn't right"

He Huff's and I then glance behind him to see zombies walking in to school. Yoongi rolls his eyes "zombies distract people from what's REALLY important... like cheer, us...me" I shrug "that doesn't mean we can go around tourmenting them"

He brushes his hand through my hair "it's best if you don't question things" I nod a little and he then smiles "pep rally today kook....you're gonna rock it" I glance at the zombies and then sigh walking into school

Jimins pov

I huff walking in to school with my friends "y'know the worst thing use to be that I got rejected from the football team but no! Y'know what's worse? I met a cheerleader!..I thought he was cool! I thought he was different....I thought..he was the one!.......but I was wrong...all cheerleaders want is to ruin our lives and make our lives hell"

Hoseok nods "we did tell yo-"
Our teacher cuts him off "hey! No human students in the basement!" We all turn around and my eyes widen seeing jungkook stood by the door.

He gulps "uh...someone was sick all over the cafeteria floor" our teacher Huff's "oh yeah....I'm still the janitor.." he grabs his mop and bucket and walks towards the door. I walk to jungkook "what are you doing here?",

He smiles "I'm... inviting you to the pep rally...I want you to see me cheer! I said I would cheer for you and I'm keeping my word!", My eyes widen "you..what?" He nods "and-and your friends of course!, I'm sorry for doing what I did last night...it was yoongi!...I understand if you don't want to come...but I want to use this as an apology....."

I look at my friends who shrug. I nod "sure... we'll come see you cheer...and thanks....for apologizing" he smiles "see you then!" I nod and he then smiles and walks away. I turn to my friends "maybe...we were wrong" they shrug. Taehyung Huff's "I dunno...maybe this is a trap...he IS a cheerleader"

Namjoon nods "just be careful" I roll my eyes "I will...but remember...most humans will never even consider saying sorry to us! But he did!! He apologized even though he was scared! Doesn't that show Something?!" They sigh

Maybe I was wrong...maybe jungkook IS different...maybe he is the one..

zombie love(jikook)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن