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Jimins pov

I walk with my friends into the gym hall for the pep rally thing that jungkook invited us too. Namjoon Huff's "I can't believe you dragged us to come and see the prissy pink cheerleader" hoseok looks at me "do I look green?....greener than usual?" I shrug "I dunno"

Music starts and cheerleaders all do handsprings and other moves across the halls making everyone stand up and cheer.i see jungkook with pom poms making me smile.
Suddenly the head cheerleader makes a really overdramatic enterance

Yoongi I think his name is....everyone cheers for him and he smiles "welcome to the BIGHIT high cheer rally!!" Everyone claps, he then makes everyone stop and then his smile fades "it's going to be a great year... we're going to win the cheer competition...again!" Everyone cheers

I look at my friends who were sat down miserable. I chuckle "come on ease up guys! Cheer is contagious" namjoon nods "so is pinkeye"  music starts and their routine starts and they all begin to cheer

People get thrown up and caught making everyone clap and cheer. My eyes widen when I see some fire stick things. Taehyung starts to panic "f-f-fire!", I shake my head grabbing his arm "no Tae there is no fire! It won't hurt us!",

They bring our more of the fire stick things and I see yoongi smirking "let them see your true colours!! MONSTERS!!" My eyes widen and I groan when taehyung pushes me over so I hit my z-band (a band which all zombies have to wear which prevents us from eating brains...humans designed it..)

I wince when I see the band say 'unstable' my skin turns paler and I become hungrier and lose my thoughts but I try to fight it.I stand up seeing taehyung walking towards the cheer leaders "TAEHYUNG NO!" I begin to run down the steps 

Jungkook gets tossed into the air, taehyung gets onto the ground and makes the cheerleader who were supposed to catch jungkook run away "jungkook!" I run as fast as I can knocking the footballers making them all go flying.

I then fall on my knees and jungkook lands in my arms knocking my z-band back to normal. He gasps and looks at me "jimin?" I smile "hey" I hear students gasping "the zombie saved him!"

I hear the football coach say "ZOMBIE! you and me need a talk now!" I stand up putting jungkook down. He smiles "uh thank you" I nod "no problem" the coach drags me to the principals office and I sigh

I sit in the office and the principal sighs "what has this zombie done now?" The coach smiles "he completely made those other footballers fly!! He's a monster player and we need him!!! If he's on the team I might be able to keep my job! I'll move out my parents basement and I'll get a cat!!"

My eyes widen "what?" The principal sighs "coach wants you on the team....and...as much as I don't think it's a good idea....you are allowed on the team" I gasp "really?! I get to play football?!.....on a few conditions"

She tilts her head "excuse me?" I nod "you don't treat zombies any different than humans" she huffs "you haven't got any wins yet....when you win a few games we'll talk about it.....however....I'll allow zombies to eat in the cafeteria"

I nod "deal!" I shake her hand and she nods "good luck... you'll need it" coach then hugs me "see you at practice kid!!" I then walk out the office and smile

YES! I'm on the football team!! My dream is coming true!.....however....it was my z-band.....I can't do anything without it

Oh! Joon!, I run to namjoon and gasp "hyung! I need your help!" He turns to me "what?", I smile "y'know how you can hack our z-bands...can you hack mine so I can like....control it?" His eyes widen "jimin that's dangerous!" I nod "i-i know...but if we do this then we can be accepted! Please hyung"

He sighs and pulls his laptop out "fine....but only swipe left NEVER right...okay?", I nod and he then types stuff onto his laptop and nods "there....not too zombie but not human either...."

I smile "thanks hyung!" He Huff's and the bell rings for lunch "come on! We can eat in the cafeteria!" His eyes widen "really?" I nod and we then walk and meet all the other zombies and we walk into the cafeteria with the humans and sit down by the trash cans, hoseok nods "wow....I'm impressed"

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