The Journey Begins

Start from the beginning

They all just hid behind the bamboo or covered themselves with the leaves laying down. [Name] walked behind one of the bamboo trees and didn't come out the other way. She kept repeating it.

"Awesome." She finally walked from the behind of the bamboo tree and didn't come out the other side.

"You are all terrible ninjas. Except, [Name]. Even though I haven't trained her yet." Wu says, rolling his eyes. "I will take care of Garmadon on my own."

He swifted through the trees, the same way [Name] did. He disappeared from one tree to another.


There was a comic panel between Garmadon and Wu.

"I'm close." Garmadon states and slithers down the bamboo tree upside down.

"He's close."

"Real close."

"Really close."

They both turn their backs away from the black line on there that is separating the both of them from each other. The both freeze for a moment, taking time to process if a black line is actually there separating them from each other.

Garmadon puts his arm through the black line to touch his brother's face and his beard as well. He jumps in surprise and looks at his brother in shock. "You!"

"You!" They both have a staring contest and start growling at each other. Were those.... animalistic growls....?

They were now in each others' faces, squaring up to each other. Both the brothers move back as Garmadon greets his brother. "Oh, hello brother. Where are your little ninja- ninja ner- Where are your ninj-nerds? Pfft, nailed it."

"There are surrounding you, perfectly hidden. Ready to strike."

"Really?" Garmadon points to where the ninjas are hiding horrible. [Name] just peeped out from a side of the bamboo tree.

"Oooooh~" She tries to imitate a ghost, but fails terribly. "I'm just gonna...." She trails off and a bucket of popcorn appears in front of her from the sky.

"Thanks Author."

Your welcome, chap.

[Name] sniggers at how the others are hiding. "Guys, please stop. It's getting up to a point where it's actually getting sad."

Jay even went that far to imitate a bird. Gotta give him credit for that. At least he tried.

"Students, next lesson. This is how to fight like a true ninja-" Wu got hit in his no-no square by his brother, who was smirking mischievously at what he had caused.

Lloyd and [Name] gasped and flinched at what they saw.

"I wanna say I feel your pain, but I'd be lying." [Name] said with her mouth full of popcorn. She turned to Lloyd. "Want some? It's free popcorn from the Author."

Lloyd shrugged and took some, before putting his attention back onto the fight.

Wu uses his staff and hits Garmadon in his no-no square as payback. Garmadon groans in pain, before that pain being rage and him running towards Wu.

He went to kick Wu, but he slide under him to opposite sides.  Wu used his staff to hits Garmadon's sides as a way to weaken him, but Garmadon was already there to block the hits.

Wu was finally getting the upper hand, now that Garmadon was yelping in pain everytime he hit him on his elbows.

He tried to hit Garmadon, but he dodged the hit and it instead hit the bamboo tree. The four-armed villain smirked at this and kept making Wu divert his direction of his hits onto the bamboo.

The LEGO Ninjago Movie [Lloyd x Female Ninja! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now