Chapter 16: It was me. It was a prank

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"Harry!" Hermione walked into the boys' dormitory. I turned only to find Ron kissing her, I have only realized after the war that I third-wheeled them for seven years. But, I know they love me and I love them. (I still can't believe that Ron was insecure about me and Hermione getting together.)

"You need something 'Mione?" I asked, running a hand through my just-washed, damp hair. 
"Yeah," she smiled, pulling away from Ron. "Can I borrow your invisibility cloak?" 
"Sure," I handed her the cloak, not thinking much about it. She uses the cloak a lot, to get into the restricted section of the library. I really don't see the use since we aren't hunting Horcruxes anymore, but whatever. 
"Thanks, Harry," she wrapped her fingers around the cloak. "Bye, Ron," she pecked his lips and strutted out. This was common, the girls could come into this dormitory but we couldn't go to theirs. A bit unfair if you ask me. 

Who cares. 

However, it had been about a week since Draco started actually eating. I talked to Pansy and Blaise, who thankfully aren't mad at me anymore. Though, sometimes I think Draco feels bad about that night. I, on the other hand, feel guilty every single day. The guilt is overwhelming sometimes.

Ok, so. I talked to Blaise and Pansy and we decided to keep an eye on Draco. (They actually like me now). So Pansy and Blaise make sure he is eating and every night, I make sure to ask him to take his glamour charm off and check him. To our delight, he was improving. A lot. 

"Mate," I heard Ron's voice.
"Yeah?" I turned to him. 
"When are you going to tell 'Mione?" 
"Tomorrow," I sighed. 
"Also, you know we used to bully him at the starting of the year right?" He asked.
I nodded, a wave of guilt hitting me like a tide that makes the sand beneath your feet disperse. 
"I am gonna apologize," he smiled. I nodded, a giddy feeling rising in me because Ron was accepting Draco. 
"Let's go," I said and we headed to the great hall for breakfast. 

I tell Ron that I'll sit with Draco. But, to my horror, I find Draco crying there. 

"Dray!" I quickly go by his side, wrapping my arms around him. "Are you OK?" 

"Can we speak somewhere private?" he asks. I look over at Pansy and Blaise and they give me a reassuring nod. I lightly tug him in the direction of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. 

Once we are there, he immediately wrapped his arms around my neck. I pulled him closer, our body-heat creating a small bubble of comfort. Letting my arms wrap around his waist, I whispered soothing words to him. It did work but a nagging feeling at the pit of my stomach wouldn't go away. 

"Dray," I tilted his chin to face me, my heart sinking when I saw his tears. It came back, the same feeling that had invaded me when I had seen the tears in his eyes while he was at the tower to kill Dumbledore. "What happened?" I asked, wiping the tears away. Placing my hand on his soaked, red cheeks as I felt his tears roll to my hand. 

"I-I. W-well, someone kept on leaving letters in my room, I never opened them. Today, when I did, I found what w-was w-written in them. D-do people st-still hate m-me?" My stomach dropped to my feet. He sobbed, the tip of his straight nose turning red. I had written those letters. I was the cause of his tears. 

I decided on telling him the truth, "Dray, you know I love you with all my heart right?"
He hummed, nodding his head. 
I pulled him closer, hesitating too many times. Stuttering, "I-i wrote those l-letters."
"What!?" He wriggled out of the grasp of my arms, leaving an empty void in my chest. 
"I wrote them a long time ago," I reasoned.
He sobbed, "it was still you! YOU FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT ME! YOU HATE ME!" 
"NO! Dray--"
"WAS THIS A LIE TOO!? DOES THIS," He gestured between us. "DOES 'US' MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU!?" His voice cracked like an old wooden stick. 
The truth. I lowered my voice, "it was supposed to be a prank---"
"IT WAS A WHAT!?" He yelled. "I-it was a-all a  prank?" His voice lowered. 
"Please listen---"
"Harry, will you tell everyone? About my past? My scars? My problems?" He tensed. I could hear my heart-shattering. I would never do that. 
"No. I would never---"
"Harry, please leave." 

The pieces of my heart sinking, I walked out of the bathroom. The dread of losing my love overwhelmed me. I closed my eyes taking deep breaths and headed back to the great hall to call Pansy and Blaise. He would listen to them, I hope. 


He hates me.

My love hates me. 

Harry hates me. 

He never loved me. 

It was a prank. 

Wrapping my fingers around my slender wand, I stared at it for a few seconds. Taking off my tie, using a single transfiguration spell to turn it into a blade. I pulled my shirt up. Gliding the blade over my fat stomach, I tried to get rid of the pain. 

It didn't go away.
It didn't go away. 
It won't go away. 

I kept cutting, to make it go away. 


Hey! Hi! Hello! Shalom! Holla! Halo! Namaste! Sastriyakaal! Greetings! 

Sorry, I didn't update for a while. I am glad that you guys are reading this!

I HAVE 4.4K READS!! *jumps around the room happily*



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