Chapter 15: Eating food and clouds

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(A/N: Hey guys! If in any other chapter I said that Draco was eating food, FORGET about it. lol. Because stupid me forgot that he wasn't supposed to eat till this chapter. )


I felt someone shaking me. My eyes fluttered open. I looked at a very handsome angel. Wait. No. I saw Harry. 

"Good morning!" He smiled.

"No!" I whined and pulled him in to cuddle. He chuckled and put a hand on my stomach. He hugged me back and suddenly, I was sitting up in his lap. Dammit! I wanted to sleep. I pouted to show my discontent. He pecked my pout and I couldn't help but smile. Stupid emotions!

"We need to get you freshened up," he smiled. I shook my head. He smiled and slightly licked a small area between my collar bone and neck. Then, he sucked on it. I moaned. 

"Please? Take a bath," he pleaded. Idiot. How am I supposed to take a bath after he did THAT?

"No," I said simply. "It's not like I am not clean."


"Fine then," He finally sighed in defeat. "I'll do something that'll MAKE you take a bath." I raised an eyebrow. What could he---?

I was suddenly flipped and I was on the bed with his knee between my legs. I moaned. My body wanted this, but I sure as hell didn't. I pushed him off.

"Fine, I'll take a bath," I said. He smirked. 

I took a bath, brushed my teeth, and looked into the mirror. (A/N: I AM too lazy to give details. SORRY)A towel wrapped around my waist. Wow. I was UGLY. I was surprised Harry hadn't broken up with me. 

I got out of the bathroom. Harry looked at me and smiled. I saw a glint of something else in his eyes, but it disappeared as soon as it came. 

I pulled on some boxers and then the towel fell off. I turned to Harry and he raised an eyebrow. 

"Give me your shirt!" I demanded. He chuckled and took off his t-shirt. I snatched it and put it on. I went back into the bathroom to look in the mirror and brush my hair. The shirt didn't really cover me a lot. But, it was loose and it reached my bum. Plus, it was green. So, I didn't mind. I got out of the bathroom and sat on the bed again. 

"You are going to eat now," he told me and my eyes popped out of my head. Hell no. 

"Nope," I popped the 'p'.

"Yep," he popped the 'p'. It was going to turn into a battle but a house-elf appeared in the room. He whispered something to the house-elf and it nodded, swiftly disappearing into the air. 

"Harry, you know that I can't eat." I looked at him. He nodded and scooted closer to me. 

"I won't force you to, just try. For me?" He asked. 

I nodded. 

The house-elf came back with a tray. It had a fruit-salad, grilled chicken, and... a pink cloud?

"Harry," I called. He hummed in response. "What's the pink cloud?" 

"It's called cotton candy," he chuckled. 

"Candy made of cotton?" I was bewildered. 

He laughed, "Try the food, and then you can taste it."

I nodded. He sure knew how to get me curious. Now I actually wanted to eat. A smile made it's way to my lips as I ate the oh-so-delicious food. MERLIN! It tasted so good. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. 

"Dray?" Harry exclaimed. "Are you crying?"
"No," my voice cracked. Damn voice.
"It's ok if you can't eat anymore," he panicked. 
"No, I am happy," I said and he cocked his eyebrow. "I'm happy that I can eat without thinking of my father." 

A smile bloomed on his face. The house-elf went away after Harry took the tray in his hands. His smile made my heart melt, the pride in his eyes visible. I smiled back and kept taking small bites, chewing slowly. 

"You're done with the chicken!" he cheered. "Are you hungry for the fruits?"

I shook my head and pointed at the pink cloud. Euphoria bursting in my stomach at the now-foreign feel of my stomach digesting food. 

"Here," He said giving me the pink cloud, which was placed on a stick. I took a small bit and it instantly melted in my mouth. It was sugary and sweet. 

"You like it?" he asked. I nodded my head profusely. He chuckled, the sound was like a symphony to my ears. 

"I want a taste," he beamed. I was about to hand the pink cloud to him but instead, he kissed me. His tongue slipping through my lips. 

He pulled away, "I got the taste."


I felt my cheeks getting warmer, but I completely ignored him and went back to enjoying my pink cloud.


Hi! HellO! Namaste! Konnichiwa! Hallo! Holla! 

I hope you are liking it so far. 

Bye lovelies. 


PS. I have been dying the last few days because of 3.8k READS!

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