Chapter 11: Anxiety attack

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A/N: Hey guys! I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. But, I promise to update more often!



It's been a few weeks since Harry did what he did. But, it really didn't matter anymore. You know, when I was certain that he didn't like me? Yep. But now, I am sure that he loves me. It's not a big change or anything, but It's more of a lot of small changes. Like, whenever we kiss, he feels more into it. He likes to cuddle a lot. He doesn't let the others bully me anymore. He has made sure to announce it to the whole school that we are together. He seems happier when we are together. So, basically, he actually loves me now. 

Right now, I am in the hospital wing with Harry. Well, let me tell you what happened. I told Pansy and Blaise what happened. They went into protective mode and beat Harry up. Not too bad, because I stopped them. He had a Blackeye, a sprained ankle, and a hairline fracture in his left arm. I am not really angry though, he did deserve it. Lol.

"Dray, your friends are crazy," Harry said from beside me.

"Well, you did have it coming," I answered.

"You are still a git," He mumbled and I laughed.

"Yes," I confirmed. "Yes, I am." I leaned in to kiss his cheek and he smiled. 

Once Madam Pomfrey gave Harry some potions, he was up and walking. I mean, we are wizards, of course, his injuries would be treated immediately. We walked out of the infirmary and headed to the Library. 

"Dray, I gotta go," Harry said and I nodded. He went into the library. I was about to enter, but I heard someone call 'Deatheater' and I froze. I swiftly turned on heel to see who said it, but I couldn't find anyone. My heart clenched. I realized that an anxiety attack was on its way. I rushed to Moaning Myrtil's bathroom.

I slid down one of the walls and started taking deep breaths. I was having one of those rare anxiety attacks. I haven't had one since I started dating Harry. I took deep breaths. I knew I couldn't cut. I wanted to, but I couldn't. My body was stiff and my chest hurt. A lot. Everything hurt, my head felt heavy. I started taking deeper breaths. But, that was getting harder. I closed my eyes and started thinking of good things, good memories. I tried to stop the attack, but, I couldn't. 


(A/N: Hey guys, these will be rare occurrences. I will not be putting others' POV there unless I have no other ideas. Also, no Dron. Please.)

I was walking down the hall. I hadn't gone to the library with Harry and 'Mione because they were studying. Ew. So, I was headed to quidditch practice. 

"Ron!" said a calm but scary voice. I turned around to see Moaning Myrtle. 

"Hey?" I questioned. What was she doing outside? She never left the bathroom.

"Ron! Draco needs help!" She shrieked. I raised an eyebrow but followed her. 

We reached the bathroom and the sight I saw was; horrible. Draco was sitting there and he looked..... wretched. 

"Draco!" I ran up to him but, it seemed like he couldn't hear. So, I needed to get his attention. I put my hands on his knees and called his name. At some point, he opened his eyes and saw me. His breathing had only increased. I motioned him to take deep breaths, my hands still on his knees. After what seemed like hours, his breathing was still bad. What was going on with him? 

Suddenly, I remembered that 'Mione had given me a calming draught. I took it out of my pocket and motioned him to drink it. His breathing slowed and he looked exhausted. I let hands fall from his knees and I sat beside him. 

"You OK?" I asked after he was fully calm. 

"Yeah, thanks," he gave me a wobbly smile. I nodded and we sat there in comfortable silence. 

What had happened? Why was he having what looked like an anxiety attack? Were anxiety attacks really that bad? I was hoping that it wasn't something too bad. Harry had told me that he wore a glamour charm, I didn't know why but nor did Harry. I was also hoping that Harry would tell Draco about the prank and that he backed out because if Draco got to know from someone else, things would go downhill. 


Hey! Hello! Hi! Hallo! Hola! Sastriyakal! Jay Jinendra! Namaste! Konnichiwa! Hajimemashite!

I know I haven't updated in a while, but I am trying. I've been super busy. So, sorry.

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