Chapter 3: Trusting Bella

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A/N; I just want to explain that the golden trio wants to make Malfoy's life living hell.



We were heading to DADA. I had cold sweat on my forehead, I wasn't ready to face Bellatrix. Even if she had changed. I didn't think Deatheaters could change. I mean, even they acted different, it doesn't change the fact that they killed a lot people.

Like Malfoy, we had managed to hurt him. Ron pushed him into walls every chance he got. Hermione had managed to somehow fuck up his school work for DADA. And I just threw snide comments and sometimes slipped into his room and anonymous hate-letters on his bed. But, I couldn't help but notice that he never retaliated. It seemed like he always just took a deep breath and closed his eyes. That, only made me angrier.

"I don't think I am ready for DADA," I heard Hermione.

"Don't worry." I replied. She nodded and iron gave her a reassuring kiss. 

"Draco! Are you out of your mind??" A shreak came from inside the DADA classroom. I stopped in my tracks. Was Bellatrix yelling at Draco? Why? 

"What the bloody hell?" Ron asked as we stood in front of the doors. Hermione grabbed our shoulders and pushed us into the class. The class was empty. Great. We were early. Bellatrix looked up from Draco who was standing in front of her desk. She met eyes with Hermione and Hermione froze. Of course, how could I forget. I stroked hermiones arm slightly to reassure her. I felt her tensed body relax a little. 

"Miss Granger!" Bellatrix rose from her seat. She sounded so cheerful as she walked over to our seats. My heart started racing. She didn't sound crazy like she used to, she sounded genuinely happy to see us. 

"I want to right the wrong that I did," Bellatrix said as she looked at Hermione. "Miss Granger can you please lift up your left sleeve?" I wanted to scream, why was she asking hermione to show her the 'mudblood' mark. But, I knew Hermione, she wouldn't coward away.

"Of course," Hermione smiled and lifted her left sleeve to reveal the wretched tattoo. 

Bellatrix looked at the wretched scar that she had left on her frail hand. Hermione had once tried peeling the skin off of that arm to get rid of the scar, she had failed miserably. Bellatrix let out a sigh and took out her wand. 

"What are you doing?" Ron demanded, not wanting his girlfriend to go through the same pain again.

"Now, now. Mr. Waeseley, I understand you don't trust me but please let me do this." Bellatrix said. Ron was about to say something but stopped when Hermione held his hand. 

"Sena Vulnus!" Bellatrix said as she pointed her wand at the scar. The scar slowly faded and I saw a smile creep up Hermione's face. She had always wanted it gone, who would have thought the person sho gave her the scar would be the person who helped her rid it. But then I frowned as I saw that the 'mudblood' had been replaced by red blotches. Hermione stared at Bellatrix. 

Bellatrix still concentrated on the hand and then said another spell, "sena pellis!" Slowly the red blotches also went away. Hermione looked overjoyed and I didn't realize how overjoyed she was till she ended up hugging Bellatrix.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Hermione murmured as she hugged Bellatrix. Bellatrix returned the hug but looked just as surprised as the rest of us. I hadn't realized that the class was full till someone gasped. I looked around to see the class filled eighth years.

I suddenly trusted Bellatrix. All my anger and hatred towards her replaced with respect and trust. The black hole between her and me replace with a white table of smiles and hugs. Hermione slowly let go of Bellatrix and sat back in the seat.

"Oh my god! This feels amazing!" Hermione whispered to us and we both smiled at her. "I didn't know such a spell even existed!"

"Well, we have a good professor for DADA." I stated trying to lighten the mood and we burst out laughing. But, calm down once Bellatrix starts class.

"Close your textbooks. I will be more of a practical teacher." Bellatrix says and with a flick of her wand all the books close.

"Now, who can tell me about resistence spells?" she asked and like always, Hermione's hand went up. I snickered and Ron groaned. At least a few things stayed the same, I guess. 

"Yes. Miss Granger." Bellatrix nodded.

Hermione stood up, "they are spells that help you resist the Unforgivable curses. They are the ultimate sheilds. They are also severely complex. But, they are just legends. Many say they are non-existent and are just parts of tales." 

"Thank you, Miss Granger. You may sit." Bellatrix says. "As Miss Granger said, resistance spells can shield the three unforgivable curses. But, what Miss Granger got wrong was that they are legends and they do not exist. They very much do exist." Gasps filled the class. Bellatrix continued, "I would know, I have used them myself." More gasps and Hermione just stared at Bellatrix with awe.

"I want you to do research on the topic and write a 30 centimetre minimum essay," she said and I groaned. Loudly. 

"Mr. Potter, if you want, I could always make sure not to give you marks?" The professor questioned.

"No professor. Sorry." I quickly said.


I hope you guys don't mind me making Bellatrix a good person. I know, it's odd but I feel like she was good. I didn't want her to go to waste. Plus, Pansy and Blaise weren't family for Draco.

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See you in the next chapter my lovely Drarriers!


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