Chapter 89: Should I Pimp or Not?

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Hm? This woman really resembles Nora...

This was Roel's reaction when he first set eyes on Victoria. She looked so nearly identical to Nora that it was impossible for him not to be surprised. However, he soon snapped out of it.

As someone who had played the game in his previous life, Roel knew very well that the similarity was only temporary. In terms of facial features, there would probably not be many differences, but when it came to their figure...

Let's just say that Nora will become much more shapely compared to the regrettably childlike Victoria.

Doing a rough estimate, Victoria was likely in her twenties, but her body was a proportionate enlargement of the 10-year-old Nora.

Roel's attention switched over to the black-haired man standing behind Victoria, and he couldn't help questioning his knowledge.

Wait a moment, that isn't right. Based on the diaries left behind by Ponte, isn't Victoria his type then? Why did he end up rejecting her?

Initially, Roel thought that Ponte was some scum who went around flirting with younger girls, but as they started conversing, he soon realized that their relationship was more complicated than he had imagined. Not only was Victoria a 'legal loli', but she seemed to have some sort of leverage over Ponte that allowed her to curb him entirely.

"Teacher, it's great to see how close they are to one another."

"Y-yeah, indeed."

"Now that I think about, there are nobles that have begun opposing conventional political marriages, especially those in the younger generation. Those old-fashioned ideas about having to choose between responsibility to one's house and happiness are gradually being rejected."

Naturally, Ponte understood the deeper meaning behind Victoria's words, and he shook his head helplessly. Nevertheless, Roel could see that, to a certain extent, Ponte did dote on her. The two of them appeared to have each other in their hearts.

Roel didn't just look at their interactions but the atmosphere around them and the subtle gestures they made too. While Victoria had hidden it well, from time to time, she would still exude a certain disposition that he was deeply familiar with. He shot a glance toward the well brought up Nora, and he suddenly understood where her sadistic tendencies had originated from.

It's a hereditary trait that shows up once every few generations, huh?

Perhaps it was because she had sensed Roel's thoughts, but Nora suddenly turned her head over and stared at him. Under her intent gaze, he quickly averted his eyes, only to be met with Ponte's gaze right after. The two boys of the Ascart House exchanged looks, and they suddenly felt a sense of camaraderie with one another.

It was a feeling of deep connection created by mutual sympathy for one another, due to suffering through the same plight. They were like oppressed peasants ready to raise up in arms against the Xeclyde girls...

... though it was not as if they would really dare to do so. Their rebellion would probably just be quelled in an instant.

Ponte and Victoria talked about a lot of stuff with Roel and Nora, but surprisingly, they didn't question their identities. They seemed to believe that Holy Eminence Ryan had been hiding these two children, and it was only due to the sudden outbreak of chaos that their existence was revealed.

Naturally, Roel was more than willing to pin it all on the faraway Ryan. Nora was a little conflicted about soiling her predecessor's reputation, but she still chose to keep her silence as well.

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