Chapter 63: I Trust You More Than You Do

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Roel felt that Nora was a good person.

He believed that being able to have good food and sleep whenever one wanted to were the fundamental sources of bliss for humans, and anyone who was able to enhance this feeling of bliss for him was a good person.

It was true that she did suffer from a slight streak of sadism, but no human is infallible. Roel felt that this much was at least understandable, especially with gourmet-level delicacies laid out before him.

The cut of fish he was munching on had a soft and springy texture, giving it a fantastic bite. He felt that the chefs in this world really knew how to handle their ingredients. On top of the fundamental taste, aroma, and appearance, they were also able to perfect the mouthfeel of the food too. Without a doubt, this further accentuated the culinary experience.

Back where Roel lived in his previous life, his countrymen were known to be extremely picky with their food. This was inevitable since there was plenty of affordable good food around. Roel wasn't born in a wealthy family in his previous life, but he did travel to many different places together with his parents. He had enjoyed hot pot on the mountains, succulent lamb on the plains, and fresh fish by the river. The desire for good food was already carved deep in his soul, a pursuit that he would never be able to escape from.

While Roel was indulging himself in the sumptuous food before him, he didn't fail to notice that Nora appeared to be a little restrained during the meal. It seemed like something was bothering her. How did Roel notice it, you ask? It was through her appetite, of course!

It should go without saying that the professional royal chefs wouldn't make a mistake as basic as portioning. Even a child like Roel wouldn't feel bloated after eating the full course. Perhaps Nora, as a girl, might not be able to eat as much as him, but there was no way she should be leaving so much good food behind.

Looking at the dessert which Nora had only eaten a spoonful from, Roel blinked his eyes in confusion.

What's going on? I thought that girls have a separate stomach for dessert? I can still understand if she isn't able to finish the main course, but she doesn't have an appetite for the dessert too?

Is she on a diet? Is that even possible? I don't think that I've ever heard of an obese angel before. Could it be that her stomach is feeling unwell? Uhhh, doesn't seem too possible either. Those who possess bloodlines aren't that weak.

Roel postulated many possibilities, but he was unable to figure out what was wrong with the girl. Taking a closer look at her face, it appeared that she was a little out of it.

"Nora, what are you thinking of?"

"Hm? Nothing at all."

"It's not nothing. You obviously have something on your mind. Look, you have barely eaten anything at all."

Roel glanced at his own clean plate.

His noble etiquette forbade him from asking for seconds despite relishing each dish. So, every single time he finished his portion, he was forced to suffer the agony of salivating over the delicacies left on Nora's plate.

Tsk tsk, the royal family sure is extravagant!

Roel was full of criticism for Nora's lavishness of wasting such good food, but there was no way he was going to say that aloud. He couldn't possibly put on an attitude after eating her food, right?

However, what was surprising to Roel was how Nora didn't reveal her confident sadistic nature in response. Instead, there was a hesitant frown on her forehead, as if she was unable to find the words to describe her current feelings, or rather, this was the first time she was experiencing such a sensation.

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