Chapter 18: You Aren't Getting Away From Me

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In the nine years of Nora's life, this was the first time she felt such a strong desire to possess something.

 Inside the lounge, the young girl, who had planted one foot between Roel's thighs, was looking down upon him with the stately air of a ruler, as if everything in the world ought to belong to her. A hint of blush in her cheeks gave off a scent of temptation, making it hard for one to reject her demands.

 The beauty of the saintly angel had already been cloaked by a layer of decadent desire, making Roel feel as if he had already caught a glimpse of the grown-up Nora. In an instant, he pushed aside Nora's hand and regained his freedom.

 "W-what are you talking about? Didn't I tell you to get away from me? I have no interest in having anything to do with you!"

 Catching a whiff of the slightly sweet scent lingering in the air, Roel felt deeply relieved that it was just little Nora that he was dealing with here. Were it the mature Nora standing before him instead, he might have very well succumbed to her temptation.

 To be honest, becoming Nora's 'pet'wasn't all bad. There weren't many people on the continent who could rival her in beauty or power, after all.

 On top of that, despite her sadistic and domineering nature, she was very caring about those whom she considered hers. This made her a little reminiscent of a menacing yet doting elder sister that went: Only I can bully you .

 Even the main character in the game seemed to have thoroughly enjoyed his time being Nora's pet.

 But, being a pet was one thing; being a dead pet was another.

 Other than Alicia, who was an exception, how could the antagonist possibly walk alongside one of the capture targets? If he were to continue walking the same path as the original Roel, before he knew it, he would have already become the lynching target of the main character and his capture targets!

 My goal should be pulling out my death flags; everything else is just unimportant. What could possibly be more important than staying alive?

 "You know everything about me and even counseled me, but now you're trying to push me away?"

 Nora was a little perplexed by Roel's attitude. She pondered for a moment before adding on.

 "Just what do you dislike about me? I can change. Or, could it be, you carry some kind of prejudice against my family?"

 "It's neither. I'm simply uninterested in you. Besides, why does it have to be me?"

 Roel quibbled weakly, leaving Nora silent for a moment, before she calmly responded.

 "It's because I feel that your thoughts are too idealistic. You may not mind who I am, but it's optimistic to assume it'll be the same for others. Whoever I approach can very well use this as a weapon to attack me and my family, perhaps even blackmailing us."

 Having grown up surrounded by conspiracy, Nora had developed a good nose for information that could potentially be used against her.

 Holy moly, is this really a nine-year-old child before me? Just what in the world are they putting noble children through for them to be so imposing?

 Roel's breathing halted for a moment as he briefly saw the aura of a conqueror in the young Nora.

 It was no wonder the original Roel ended up dying so tragically in the game. Compared to these elites, the original Roel was practically no different from a brain dead eggplant!

 Thinking up to this point, Roel suddenly recalled that the people in this world typically married at 14, so it stood to reason that they would mature early. It was the environment that placed greater expectations on the youths and left them to have no choice but to mature.

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