Chapter 88: Who Can Stand This?

Start from the beginning

Grandar's words carried a slight hint of melancholy. Sharply noticing the fluctuation in the skeleton's tone, Roel's eyes narrowed a little.

"In defining whether something is right or not, I believe that we can classify them into absolute correctness and relative correctness. It depends on which one you are looking at."

"Tell me more about it."

"Absolute correctness refers to an unbending, universally accepted truth. For example, if I were to say that I'm a human, that's an objective truth. As for relative correctness, it's more subjective. Take my act of killing Peter Kater for example...

"From my point of view, Peter Kater is a despicable individual who has no qualms committing the vilest of deeds, which is why I believe I am justified in killing him. However, in the eyes of organizations that are hostile to mankind, Peter Kater could very well be viewed as a hero to them.

"In other words, depending on the perspective you look at the matter from, the conclusion you arrive at will vary as well. So, which type of correctness are you looking at here?" asked Roel.

Grandar didn't answer Roel's question right away. Instead, he returned to his thoughts and considered the matter deeply, not moving at all. For a long while, only the whistling of the wind could be heard on this plain.

"... I'm probably looking at the latter."

The humongous skeleton finally answered, before he rose back up to his feet. Lots of rock pieces and dust fell from the crevices of his body, causing Roel to quickly cover his mouth to prevent anything from falling in.

"Roel Ascart, right? Your thoughts interest me. You have already used the spell I have given you twice. The next time we meet, you'll have to give me an answer to my question."

Grandar reminded Roel in hopes that the latter would spend some time to think it over carefully. Amidst the cloud of dust around him, all Roel could do was to nod his head.

"That's all then. You may return now."

After those words were spoken, Roel's surroundings began to vanish into darkness. By the time everything disappeared, Roel lost his consciousness.


"... Roel... Roel!"

"Cough! No-Nora!"

"You're finally awake!"

As soon as Roel opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful face appearing right before his eyes. This face was looking at him worriedly. Before he could even make sense out of what was happening, a pair of arms had already wrapped around his body tightly.

"W-wait! Ah? It doesn't hurt anymore..."

Roel instinctively jolted from the remembered trauma and excruciating pain of the previous hug, but surprisingly, all he felt was Nora's soft body and her lingering fragrance.

He began taking a look around him and realized that he was in a bedroom. This bedroom was lacking in some of the required furniture, as if someone had just barely put it together last minute, but the aesthetic was still fairly decent.

Wait a moment. This room...

It didn't take Roel too long to notice that the room he was in was extremely familiar. He shot a glance at the doorway, where a heavy metal door was attached with a door viewer. Through this, he was able to easily figure out his current location.

Looks like I'm back here once more.

There was only one house in the world he could think of that had door viewers on every single door—the Labyrinth Villa. In any case, being in this somewhat familiar environment made Roel heave a sigh of relief.

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