I felt Kurts hands go on my waist and pull me to him forcefully but gently

I kept looking through the clothes when Kurts hands went around onto my stomach

"I'm fine darling and where are we even goinG AH FUCK!"
I yelled pulling away from Kurt looking up at him

"What- huh- the fuck did I do are you okay"
He said concerned

"No! Your cigarette burnt me!"
I snapped

"Fuck I'm sorry!"
He said concerned again

"Your fine"
I groaned looking at my stomach where the cigarette butt burnt me

(Speaking of ciggies felt like I should share,
my gf found a full packet of ciggies and they are giving them to meeee I feel special:) )

He laughed lightly walked over to me while putting his cigarette in his mouth and picked me up

I let out a squeal as he lifted me up and twirled me around

"What's this then"
I laughed

He put me down on the bed and bent down so his face was I front of mine

I took the cigarette from between his lips and leant into his lips kissing him softly

He put his hand on my hip and pushed me back until I was laying down

I mumbled into the kiss

He pulled back and smiled pecking my lips

"Kurt if we're gonna go out we are gonna have to get ready"
I said looking up at him

He nodded and took the cigarette from my hand putting it back in between his lips smiling at me

"Your so pretty"
I smiled sitting up putting my hand on his cheek kissing his other cheek

"I know"
He shrugged

I got up and walked over to the closet seeing just a classic short black spaghetti (incident) strap dress

I picked it up out of the closet and looked at it and smiled

I held it up against myself and turned to Kurt and he smiled

"I think this is good"
I said chucking it on the bed and going over to the vanity and pulling out my makeup

"What should I wear?"
He asked me

"Literally anything,
You can pull off literally anything Kurt"
I laughed looking at him in the mirror

.  .  .

I held Kurts hands as we walked down the busy street

He began swinging my hand with his as we aimlessly walked

We just had a really nice dinner at this pub and I'd be lying if I said that we weren't drunk

"Where do you wanna go Kurt"
I sighed looking up at him

He looked over to me and shrugged but then lead me in a direction towards a forest

We walked into the thick forest and Kurt navigated me making me slightly think he was gonna kill me but I'll be right


We came up to a small clearing with a makeshift fire pit in the middle and
logs around it

Kurt let go of my hand and began gathering sticks and twigs and throwing them into the pit

I began helping him and after we got it ready he lit it with his lighter and picked me up and sat down and then sat me on his lap

"Your dress is very pretty"
He whispered in my ear

"Thank you Kurt"
I smiled looking at the fire

I got off his lap and then crouched down in front of him and pulled his face to mine beginning to kiss his precious lips

You can decide what happens next

Or I can do a part two-

Kurt Cobain                                   And I Love HerWhere stories live. Discover now