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I'm doing a big space because some of the topics are very confronting and if you don't want to see that I don't want to shove it in your face so this is your warning

This isn't just a rant it's also just me saying some advice on stupid things that I shouldn't even have to say but seems as though I have a little platform I should put it to use

Okay actually
Trigger Warning below

suicide, self harm, abuse/child abuse, rape, alcoholism, murder, gory shit that actually happened, crime

Dude it's very rare that I come across a story that dosnt have ducking suicide or self harm or abuse or fucking rape,
I just wanna know why do people feel the need to add this into there story's and romanticise and glorify what is a horrible thing it ruins people's lives and it's not fucking fun nor fucking lovely it just doesn't work that way because most of the time these things originate for neglect as a child or abuse or rape so why fucking romanticise self harden and suicide! It bothers me even more when people don't put a trigger warning because as someone who can get trigger by that shit easily it's not fun when it pops out of fucking nowhere and makes you think of shit that's happened irl. It's not hot, cute, sweet, loving or any of that bullshit. It's a real thing that people end there fucking lives over so when you glorify it its fucking disgusting and you need to be fucking educated on that shit. And if you where to put it into your story.
Put. A. Fucking. Warning.
If I could have three dollars for every time I've read a story that started like
'blah blah blah after I ran away from my abusive mother/father/care taker'
'my alcoholic parent'
And it's not like it's about the guy the story's about, like for example

I can see why someone might add it in if it was a story about Nikki sixx or Kurt cobain or Tommy lee or a real person who actually had to go through that. Because they where actually involved in that shit and that actually happened, as long as you don't fucking romanticise it or gawk over it for no fucking reason.

It's not difficult to make someone's backstory not traumatic, you can even make the back story upsetting/dramatic without being a fuckwit about it such as 'after a rough life' or 'while stuff began to pick up' so on so on, plus you don't even need it to be fucking like that.

It's so irrational and stupid.

And a new rant✨
Crime shit ✨

People confuse me

Like do we all know Richard Ramirez?

If you don't I'll do a quick re-cap on this disgusting fucking man,
He was also know as the night stalker his prominent years where
April 1984 - August 1985 and he died 7th of June from some sorta of disease he deserved to get, and his crimes
13 count of murder
5 counts of attempted murder
11 counts of sexual assault
14 counts of burglary
And he got sentenced with
19 death sentences, which he should of died every 19 times slowly as fuck.

So can we all agree that this man can burn in hell?


So basically some how I've found my way on tictok to the Richard Ramirez side, And all these young girls AND ADULTS fully grown fucking adults, are dying over how hot he is and gawking over him and being like
'He's so hot I love him'

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you?

You can totally find him physically attractive but you don't have to gawk over him.

I've gotten into an argument with this one girl and it went something like this
(I'll be italics)

*this girl posts an edit*
Oh my god he's so hot

Hey uh I don't know if you know this but he raped and murderd people and abused children so please don't like give him recognition on the way he shouldn't be getting it.

I know what he did

Then why are you saying that he's an amazing person

(referring to this
other persons videos)

You'll understand one day

You'll understand one day that he's fucked up and so are you for thinking what he did was okay

Oh well


Where you fucking dropped on your head as a child?

I also saw a comment something like this
'Oh the third picture is so good I have that on my wall'

Fucking what?

If my child had a picture of a murder on there wall I'd storm in there and rip it down and ground them and then force them to watch a documentary about him with all the gory little details because that's fucked up

And like I said before by all means I don't care if you find him attractive because personally I don't think he's bad looking but that doesn't mean you have to love him and fan girl over him.

What the fuck is wrong with you

He's a satanist, serial killer, serial rapist, kidnapper, child abuser, and burglar

Fuck you if you like him.

And if you do

Don't bother read my shit and go fuck off

End of my Rant✨

Okay have a good day and I've gotten myself angry haha but on a less depressing note I'll probably update this later with a proper chapter

This also wasn't edited so I apologise

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