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"God, why is it so fucking cold?" Mexico mumbled, and Zaltana giggled. She was walking ahead of the group, Utah on her shoulders. There weren't many of them coming- Finland, Russia, Mexico, Canada, Sweden, Lithuania, Prussia, England, Zaltana, Illinois, and Utah. Everyone else decided to stay.

Lithuania and Prussia were arguing in the back of the group, annoying everyone else.

Utah put his hands on the front-facing set of Zaltana's horns, adjusting where she was walking. Illinois seemed to find it funny, how he was controlling his aunt like a small dragon.

"Are you sure this is right?" Zaltana asked. Her ears were pricked- she was trying to tell ahead of time if there was a waterfall, but she couldn't hear anything. Just the snow and the hibernating animals beneath it.

"Yes," Utah said, and Zaltana paused as she stepped on something.

"There's a road right here," she said, looking back. The group nodded, waiting for Utah's direction. He'd placed them on a road next to a McDonald's and then told them that this was the direction, but now he seemed a bit unsure.

"This place looks different than it did in the fall," he mumbled, and Zaltana's ears went back. Only Illinois realized though, the nations were busy making sure they knew where the road started so they would trip.

"Left," he said, "follow the road."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, but there's a right turn soon. We were doing half of this off-roading."

"How much longer are we walking?" Prussia asked. He was near the front now, Russia having separated him and Lithuania. England seemed to agree with his question.

"Not far now." Utah said, hoping he was right. Illinois noticed this and scowled into his hand, pulling his mask up to hide it. He was the only one wearing his uniform- a military looking outfit that Alfred had specially made for all of his children.

His uniform was all black, with gloves, a hood, and a mask, making it evident he did more work in the spying department.

Zaltana sighed, continuing to walk, Utah keeping a close eye on the side of the road. All the trees were dead, instead of the deep amber and orange that he remembered, and he hoped he could get this right, because they had no flying animals to do it right now.

He spotted a tree with a heart carved into it, two letters from two lovers' names, and thought back.

"Turn here," he said, and Zaltana looked, noticing the carving as well, starting to walk. She still didn't hear anything, although she knew that snow ate up noise there still should have been something- it was a goddamn waterfall. Those are loud as fuck.

Then, she heard the beating of a large animal's heart, and she looked around. Utah didn't seem to understand what she was doing when she lashed her tail and spun around, her ears poised before she looked to the ground.

"There's something in there," she whispered, "something big."

Illinois started walking ahead a bit, before he saw a few military vehicles parked and back tracked.

"Good job, Utah," Illinois said, reaching up to take him off her shoulders. He would have to start walking, now. He pointed down the drive, "there's military vehicles that way. Three of 'em."

Zaltana nodded, "Utah, you have a gun, don't be afraid to use it. Illinois, you also have a gun. Watch him."

"Yes ma'am," Illinois saluted, before looking at his brother. Utah, while respectful around the nations, spun around and glared at him as they started walking to the left. Finland, Sweden, Canada, and Prussia behind them.

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