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Ew, a shitty last chapter. We love that.

Thank you for reading this book!

If you enjoy my works, or find this one horrible but for some reason like my style, I have others:

The Good Li(f)e series is a different take on American History, starting in 1776.

Myth (which might be getting re-written soon!) is a stand-alone werewolf tale.

The Extent of Love series, which is not quite as violent (although Shattered Souls Make Good Pets has a very similar concept)

And now, a new books.

A stand-alone titled Golden Blooded.

Stand-alone titled The Bear, the Wolf, and the Tiger, (posting the first chapter in a week and a half!)

Stand-alone titled Union's Brood (posting the first chapter next week!)

And a stand-alone titled The Actor (three weeks!)

What can I say, I'm getting ready for summer ;).

Thank you, once again, for tolerating my unedited thinking.


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