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Tolys was wracked by the memories from seeing the entry hall, looking up and seeing the city's flag- the Thunderbird mark. He started walking, and a few nations followed him- namely Germany, Russia, and Canada. The others, by Germany's orders, started looking around for any clues. They'd already accepted the kidnapping as something that had happened- now was to understand how and why.

Zaltana was right when she described the room as ransacked. There were long burn marks over the walls, the bed was full of bullets- which meant he was probably in bed, and in turn sleeping, when this happened- the window was broken, and the table and chairs on an outcropping by the window were knocked over- one of the chairs in the wall on the other side of the room.

Russia walked towards the window, glancing down at the glass.

"It was broken from the outside," he stated, kicking some of it. There was more evidence of burning on the top of the window from where the glass had reflected the light, "I'll give him something, his room is fireproof."

"What are these?" Germany asked, looking over to Lithuania as he ran a hand along the burns. They were in the shape of lightning, and stretched over the ceiling, floor, and walls near the bed.

"Dyami wasn't happy with someone waking him up," was Lithuania's response, as he went over to the bed. On top of the messy sheets was a handgun, and Lithuania picked it up.

"Seems he still keeps a weapon under his pillow," Lithuania looked over to the middle of the bed, where the bullets were concentrated, "didn't seem to help much though, did it?"

Blood was mixed between the rips in the sheets, yet he knew being stuffed with bullets was not enough to take America down- just cause him immense pain. He noticed that although the room was dusty, it probably hadn't changed much from when he was attacked.

"Someone, take pictures before we move anything else."

Canada brought his phone out of his backpack, starting to take pictures with constant worry on his face. Lithuania replaced the handgun carefully, waiting until Canada was done before starting to move the blankets piled on the bed.

Lithuania looked around slowly. He spent very little time in America's room, so he didn't exactly know much about it.

He saw on the sheets where there were claw marks dragging through them- halfway through to the direction of the window.

"God, what did that?" Germany asked, and Lithuania tilted his head.

"America," he wished he could have been here sooner, when the evidence was fresher.

"America, when he was sedated," Russia supplied, holding up a needle. There was a little still in it, mixed with blood, "someone needs to test this."

"There's a lab by Delaware's room," Romano said, poking his head through the door, "that boy will have notes somewhere about this, even if it ain't a common sedative."

"Could you do it?" Germany asked, looking over to him.

"What? Do I look like fucking Einstein over here?"

"I'll do it," Russia shrugged, "take me to the lab."

Romano seemed to go through all the stages of grief before nodding, and Lithuania looked back over to the bed. It was only blood and tears yet...

"What's that shiny thing in that hole?" Canada asked, stepping forward.

"Bullet," Germany said, without even looking.

"No, look," Canada said, pulling it out. Germany turned to face him, "it's a key."

"A key to what?" Germany asked, before looking around, "the bedside table- here, give it."

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