Chapter 2

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Day 1

The day after the English project was assigned was also the first day you and Danny would try and work on the project. Since he gave you the choice of where to meet, you proposed a small café located a couple of blocks away from your apartment. Chelle would often take you here before school for coffee, and sometimes, breakfast. You really weren't a morning person, so extra caffeine during those hours helped a lot. Even if Chelle didn't seem like the most caring person in the world, she did little things like those to look after you. You got there before Danny, so you took the liberty to chose a place to sit. You laid your stuff down on a small table off to the side, close to a window and away from the other customers, hopefully it would help your focus. 

You ordered a small chai latte. As much as you loved sugary coffee drinks, it was already early evening and you didn't plan on being up all night. After a few minutes you felt a presence in front of your table, you turned your head to see the figure of your friendly, silver classmate holding a drink. "Hi." He said, his eyebrows raised casually as he sat down across from you. "If I had known you were going to be here this early, I would've come sooner." 

You shook your head, "Don't worry about it. I just live close by, that's all." He handed you the drink in his hand, you didn't know why, but you slowly took it anyway. "Thank you?"

"They called your name right as I walked in. You, apparently, weren't paying attention, so I did you a favor and grabbed it for you." He smiled in your direction and took his bag off his shoulder, looking through it as he slid into the seat in front of you. You were sort of jealous of the way he smiled so easily, because his smile looked good on him, and he knew it. 

"Oh, thank you." You said again, more pep and confidence in your voice. You took a sip of your tea and sighed happily. Chai lattes were like Christmas in a cup, and it was nice to have it with ice in the warm weather. You watched the boy across from you take out his laptop and a notebook and pencil. 

"So... where should we start?" He asked expectedly and looked up at you, watching as you took an extra long sip of your drink. You gulped before starting, "Let's establish the characters first. And the plot, too. Maybe just the basic gist of the two."

"Good idea." He started to write in his notebook. You busied yourself with unlocking your computer. "What time period should we do?" He asked and lifted his head to look at you once more. 

"Y'know," You let out a small sigh. "I think the 17th century would be cool. We could make it a period piece." A satisfied smile spread across his lips like butter, his expression melting into a more relieved one. 

"No way, you read my mind," He exclaimed and wrote more down. "I was worried you'd want to do something, like, the Roaring 20's." You chuckled a little, which encouraged him to continue talking. It was nice to finally have a full conversation with him; you had wanted to be his friend for so long, but it just never worked out until now. You eventually settled on a date, early 1830s in Great Britain. Danny made a comment, "America is too problematic for a story like this."

"Okay- characters." You pulled up Pinterest for no reason other than inspiration. "It needs to be us to an extent. I think we could be able to switch up our personalities as long as it still resembles our basic being." Danny was fidgeting with his purple pen once he finished writing. He noticed you looking at his notebook so he turned it towards you. You could see he had been writing down bullet points for what you two were discussing. 

"I want my character to be named Voltiaere." He told you and you two finally met eyes. You noticed he looked more at you than you did at him. 

"Voltiaere? Why's that?" You ask and he went quiet for a moment. 

"Oh, no reason. I just think it's mysterious, don't you agree?" He asked and turned his notebook again, scribbling more down. "And it doesn't even have to be his real name. Maybe... it could just be an alias, or a nom de guerre.." You nodded your head and hummed. 

"How intriguing, does he fight?" You questioned, since Danny already seemed to have an adaptation of himself in mind. 

"Something like that." He made eye contact with you and gave you a knowing smile, it was obvious you were onto him, but he didn't want to tell you everything about Voltiaere just yet. 

You laughed played with the plastic straw in your beverage. "I want to keep my name." 

"Why's that? Like, is there a reason, I mean."

"I mean... I guess I just like it, that's all." You straightened your back, as you were beginning to slouch. "Isn't Y/N a good protagonist name?" 

"Are you saying Voltiaere isn't?" He teased and you immediately denied it. "Hey, I'm kidding. Yeah, I like your name. You're the only person I know that has that name, which isn't the case for me."

"Really? I swear, I've met so many people with the same name as me." You didn't seem to care that the topic is completely unrelated to the project now. You guys were catching up with all the conversating you lost this year. 

"Yeah, maybe I don't get out much." He faced you again. He started quizzing you about your character, and you had to make some stuff up on the spot. Danny didn't seem to mind, he helped you a lot when the details of your character were too vague or didn't make sense. He told you a lot about his character too, mostly about his personality. In summary, on the outside he was just a normal British gentlemen, but he held a few secrets. 

In honesty, this whole interaction was kind of cute because it was obvious he was passionate about this character of his. You'd never say that to his face though. 

Afternoon melted into evening, and after many rough drafts and changes, the main characters of your story were decided. There was Voltiaere, official Head Detective that works closely with the Royal government to handle the toughest, most disturbing cases, with a background in martial arts and self defense. He's always taken seriously and is known to be quite intimidating, until he met you, his new partner.  Y/N L/N has no background in investigating crime scenes, but she doesn't need any. She graduated from a pristine university as a sponsor from a head government official. She graduated as not only the only woman in her class, but also as one of the brightest. Y/N is also known for her talents in handling her firearms. She was "hired" to help Voltiaere as a markswoman in their newest case involving a very dangerous spy responsible for countless homicides.  

"This is serious stuff." He said after reading over the small paragraph. 

"We're like Sherlock and Holmes!" You exclaimed on a totally, less-serious note. You two were the only people left in the café, since you two decided on staying until they closed. He put away his stuff while you were already packed up, now playing with what was left of the latte, just watered down ice that tasted vaguely like cinnamon. The sun had started to set, streaking the sky with pink and orange. The air started to get colder and you both decided it was best to leave before it got too cold or dark. "Do you need a ride?" He asked as he pulled out his car keys. 

"No, I'm okay, I brought my board." You pointed to your longboard that was sitting against the bike rack. "Thank you though. I'll see you tomorrow." You smiled and waved before taking off, riding with your back to the boy. He watched after you for a second or two before he exited as well.


A/N- holy shit i have no comments. this took a long time for no reason. happy new year. here's to 2021!

p.s. names will be starting next chapter. 382492649273642342jhdfknc have a fantastic day!!

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