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he asked to write a story that was not a smut, and i felt inclined to put my self-proclaimed talent to use and do just so. this is a story about you and dannyphantom.exe, two seniors in high school who become good friends through a collaborated story project, with characters that are based off of their real personalities. together, they fantasize of a better life, a life they would choose to live, if they had the choice. this is golden.

some things to keep in mind-

1. i will only write author's notes in lowercase. it's my thing. once chapters start, there will be proper grammar.

2. i am writing this with the knowledge i have of Danny. i only started watching him a few days ago, so i apologize if i get anything wrong, but i'm not too worried about it. he likes to keep his private life, well, private, which i will respect and i hope you guys will too. 

3. this is not a smut. jesus no. if i ever write a smut, call the authorities because ive been kidnapped and my account has been hacked jdhfjdskd

4. i hate spelling don't attack me

5. numbers are pretty

6. 24874293823923

stay safe, let the story begin ig.

p.s. comment ur name and u might get someone named after u. <3

{ON HOLD} golden. danny phantom exe x reader.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें