Chapter 8

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a/n give me a song that gives u danny vibes 

"So we're not partners?" She asked, astonished, looking at the elder man sitting across from her. Unsure what to feel, she gulped down the little saliva she had left and leaned back on the small sofa she was sitting on. The infamous detective sat next to her though there was a lot of space in between them. "Nicholas, you're joking."

"I'm not." He said and sighed, holding the bridge of his nose with two fingers. "Y/N, I know this means a lot to you. But the members of the board refuse to have a woman as a private investigator for this case. Therefore, I can only ask you to assist Voltaire with it. Please understand." 

She gulped and looked down at her hands. "Oh, no, I get it." The lady couldn't help but feel disappointed. This was her first chance at something like this- and the board members didn't even take her seriously. She looked back up at him. "Thank you, Nicholas, even if it's not a lot I appreciate your effort."

He seemed somewhat relieved at this. "You're welcome. Anyways, sorry about that Voltaire, she's just really passionate about what she does." 

The man smiled and shook his a little, "It's quite alright. I understand how frustrating this must be, but I hope you can tolerate this." He was looking at her so she gave him a reassuring look. 

"I know better than to take this out on you." The girl turned back to her boss. "So if we're not partners, what will be our covers?" 

"Partners." He replied, "But in a different way."

It took her a minute to understand. 

"What?!" She stood up so fast her knees bumped into the coffee table and she looked at the two men in the room. "First I'm not going to even get to credit for the case, and now I have to pretend to be his lover?" Her words were chosen carefully as to not come off as rude. "No offense, but isn't there any other way we can be seen together?"

"You're going to a royal ball, Y/N," Nicholas said calmly. "You can't just be friends."

Y/N looked at the man that was sitting somewhat next to her, eyes filled with an emotion only he could understand. He sent Y/N back a look of sympathy, and she knew he couldn't do anything about it. She put a hand on her forehead, sighing deeply. 

"Alright, fine."

"I knew you'd come around, Y/N." Nicholas stood up and squeezed her arm as he shook Voltaire's hand. "You'll leave for London in two weeks, tickets have been accounted for." He stepped back and looked at the junior detective and her senior, envisioning the couple they'll turn out to be. "I wish you both much luck." 


Two weeks was longer than she thought. One minute she was buying dresses that would fit London's atmosphere and the next was meeting up with Voltaire in the train station, all alone, going on a dangerous mission across the country. Since Y/N hadn't talked to Danny at all during those two weeks, now that she was standing in front of him, the reality of the situation was settling into her core.

She is going to London, with England's most infamous investigator, acting as his wife, and will finally be able to put her skills to use.

Was she excited? She hadn't considered it before. Looking at it now, she realized that maybe she was. 

The train came rolling up to the station where Danny had carried her luggage. He stood beside her as the double doors opened. "Y/N. Look at me." He grabbed her hand and she turned to him, eyes on his as businessmen and ladies brushed past the couple. "I need to make sure you are okay with this. The next time you step out of those doors, we'll be playing a character. You'll be mine," She didn't like how he phrased that- "Are you sure about this?" 

Y/N looked at him for a moment more before she grabbed the arm that was holding her hand and pulled him onto the train. "C'mon, idiot. We need to grab a private booth before they get filled up."

He followed her wordlessly as his eyes lingered on the hand grabbing onto his arm. He promised he'd protect her, since she was still so young, despite being his age. Her eyes looked like they were always experiencing things for the first time. He was worried that Nicholas was wrong, that maybe this case was too gruesome for Y/N. 

No. He shook out of it. Nicholas wouldn't be wrong about this. Voltaire just needed to have some faith in her and her abilities as his personal markswoman.  


"Are you in love with me?" 

Danny choked on his water, "What?!"

"You write about Y/N like Voltaire's in love with her."

"How can he be in love with her? He's only known her for, what, two weeks?"

You shrugged. "Love does what it wants. It doesn't take logic into account." You swung your straw around your colorful drink. "Answer my question, Dan man."

"Don't," He laughed, "Don't call me Dan man." 

You looked up at him and held an evil smile. "Sorry, Dan can."

"Is Danny can the best you can come up with?" 


"Pathetic." He stood up, now having packed up all his stuff. You frowned, remembering what Chelle told you earlier today. Danny asked her on a date...

"Need a ride?" He asked you as he slung his backpack onto one shoulder. You shook your head and stood up on your own, "No. Go have fun on your date." You stood in front of him and poked his hoodie, "Hurt her and I'll break you."

"Got it," He said and grabbed your hand, tossing it away. "See you Y/N."

"Bye Dan Man."

a/n shortest chapter by far. I'm actually working on an ateez x reader story if yall are interested. it's going to be a hell of a lot darker than this story so I'm pretty sure it'll appeal to different audiences 

have a beautiful day


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