Chapter 12

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Voltaire had a thing for keeping Y/N close. As they followed the politician down the lush hallways, the girl was hardly given any room to wander because of tight his hold was. She didn't hate it, however, she just assumed he knew something she didn't.

And Y/N wasn't wrong. Voltiare didn't like how inviting everything was. It was his instinct to second guess everything he came across. So from the amount of servants Baron William kept around him to the way the maids looked at the guests, there was something very off about the manor.

He glanced at the girl beside him and noticed the way her eyes darted across the room. So she knew something was off, too. He vowed to himself to keep her safe.

It's true, he was uneasy about bringing such an inexperienced newbie into a severe case like this, but he trusted Nicholas. When Nicholas said Y/N was worthy of the experience, he believed it.

"Here we are!" Baron exclaimed as they arrived at two doorways, off to the side of a a hallway filled with identical doors, each a couple yards apart. The hallways dipped into a small indented section with two tall doors on opposite sides.

"Right next to each other," Y/N pointed out and stepped aside as the men carried the trunks of luggage into their rooms, respectively.

"Yes," Baron smiled and squeezed her free hand. "I hope that is alright. If you have any questions, whatsoever, please let me or any of my servants know."

"Thank you, sir." Voltaire bowed slightly and the politician nodded, glancing once more at the two before he descended down the hall.

They split into their separate rooms and Y/N was once again on her own. She had assumed by the late hour that she could start to get ready for bed. Her hair, which was once tied loosely to the back of her head, was now falling gently on her shoulders. She took the silent time to look around the guest room.

Staying loyal to the decor outside, her room consisted of a similar pattern of dark grays and silvers. However the walls stood out with their deep maroon color, but it was diluted with the dullness that filled the room.

As she was emptying out her luggage she heard a knock come from beside her. She looked to the side and noticed a door the same pattern as the wall next to it. It was hidden in plain sight. She neared towards it cautiously, her curiousness overpowering the fear.

Resting her hand on the doorknob, she realized it was locked. As she was about to go look for a way to unlock it, an object tapped her foot- a shiny key with a red ribbon tied to the end of it. Picking it up swiftly, she used it to unlock the door. Much to her surprise, it opened, and swung open towards her.

"Voltaire," She greeted and stepped to the side at the sight of the taller male. He looked down at her before his eyes moved around the room.

"Good evening, love." He said and looked at her luggage trunk, which was now empty and lying on her bed. "It appears we have connected rooms. A bit convenient, don't you think?" He asked her.

"Yeah, and creepy. It totally blends in with the wall. I didn't even notice it when I walked in."

"I think it's convenient. It helps me get to you faster, just in case something happens to you."

"Voltaire, I'm the one protecting you, remember? And besides, I doubt anything will happen here. Most of the guests arriving tomorrow are politicians and close friends of Mr. Williams. Therefore the only one who we should be truly worried about is Mr. Williams himself."

"But that's where you're wrong, Y/N. Nobody is truly safe to us. Even the few acquaintances I know now could be dangerous. You can never be too careful." He turned to her and smiled slightly.

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