chapter 24

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True to Carol's word, the house at Seven Juniper Street was an explosion of colours that shone brightly through the foggy haze. It was at the top of the hill and as we trekked up the steep pavement, it stood out above all the other properties.

"I can't believe it's right there," I grinned. "Eliott told me about her house before, told me how amazing it was and how amazing her grandmother is. Do you think Eliott will want to come back with us? To Blackwell, I mean. Oh, I hope so. You know, the school told me to stay out of it, said they didn't know anything and that I shouldn't bother. But, guess who's here now?"

Arwyn nodded along, his bright red hat was a stark contrast to his pale face.

Only as we opened the gate to Eliott's house did I feel that sticky sense of nervousness as it rose from my throat. What if there was a reason that Eliott left? What if I was the reason?

Eliott liked to think that we were the gleaming members of The Slut Club. In the early days of our friendship, when my photos were fresh on everybody's minds and they'd make crude remarks linking my face to the very word 'slag'. When I thought I'd lost all my friends and any opportunity at a good life. When nothing looked the same to me anymore. Back then, I was clingy.

I never left Eliott's side because, to me, she was the only one in the whole entire world who understood me. Though Aleena had shared the activism posts to her Instagram story, signed petitions and read articles, she didn't understand on a personal level. My grief and humiliation were foreign to her.

Eliott understood it, though. She was there when my sorrow felt like icy water that got higher and higher, lapping at my feet, hugging my hips and restricting my chest. She held my hand and made sure I didn't drown under it all. But, in the end, I think I pushed her away. Eliott didn't care about what everyone said. They thought she was a slut, so she acted like one. She wore the smallest clothes and slept around. Apparently, she fell pregnant once too, but I was never brave enough to ask if the rumour was true. Eliott wanted me to be her partner-in-crime. She wanted me to put my middle finger up to the student body and shake my hips like I didn't give a damn.

But I did give a damn.

I didn't want to wear tight clothes, I didn't want to lose my virginity. I just wanted everything to go back to normal. I wanted to be comfortable.

In a way, I think Eliott resented me for that. She hated that one of the only girls in school who should've understood her didn't.

I knocked on the door and waited for something to happen. A dog's bark was muffled by the door, shoes padded against the wooden floor and Arwyn breathed a shaky breath beside me.

The door was pulled open forcefully and a short lady smiled up at us.

"Hiya, if you're one of those Jehovah's, I don't mean to be a bother but we don't fancy another leaflet," the lady spoke with a scratchy voice.

"Actually," I smiled tightly. "Is Eliott here?"

Her eyebrows shot up. "Uh, yes. Might I ask who you two are?"

"I'm Zora." I pushed my hand out to shake. "Eliott's my roommate at Blackwell."

The lady's thin lips pulled into a grimace. "I see. Well, I'm her grandmother, call me Esther. Come in, come in. Can I get you anything to drink or eat? We have tea, coffee, water, orange juice, milkshake."

I stepped inside cautiously. "Should I take my shoes off?"

"No, no. Come in, Eliott's upstairs, I'll go get her."

A small white dog came to our feet, bouncing up and scratching at mine and Arwyn's legs.

"Donna!" Esther reprimanded the dog and bent down to pick her up. She was excitable, bouncing in the old lady's arms while licking at her face.

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