The Jonah Problem

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The next day wasn't any better, with the SkyLink gone Cyrus had nothing to do, nothing to work on. It was his baby, he worked on that thing day and night, and to just have him, the creator, destroy his own project is just heartbreaking, it would be for anyone.

Bianca went over to his house to give him company, meanwhile, I went exploring. I went to the little forest area near the house. I wanted to see if there different animals in this dimension than my dimension, no luck in finding anything unusual though, just your usual deer, elk, and the occasional cat or dog. I looked around some more...still no luck.

I was about to leave until I tripped on something and fell, when I got up to see what I tripped on I jumped, it looked to be a grave. "Jonah J. Harling" Whoever he was I'm sure he lived a good life. I realized that I moved the gravestone a bit to where I could see into the grave a tiny bit. Now that by itself isn't bad but then the stone moved, and what I saw after would change my view of this place forever...a black hand slowly rose out of the grave, it looked as if the void had a hand, there was no color but pure darkness, it radiated a faint glow. I was paralyzed in fear, my brain wanted to run but my body couldn't move, it was fight or flight, I decided flight until the rest of the body came out. It was all bony and skinny, and it didn't speak words, but it spoke in this raspy metallic sound, like metal scraping against each other. I was terrified but in the back of my mind I thought, "This would be a great opportunity to test out your power since you have it." So fight it was, I mean he's already dead so no loss and it was slow, to be honest, I don't know what I was really scared of it's just standing there looking at me, I've practiced every time I was alone, I don't want anyone distracting me.

I concentrated hard, held my hand out, and boom I flashed at it, all by myself too, It was stunned so I took the chance to attack it. It was pissed, really pissed, these tendrils flew towards me, I screamed and ducked. I closed my eyes and swiped at it, I don't know what I was expecting but I heard a loud screeching gurgle and a thud. I opened my eyes to see the thing cut in half and clinging to whatever remnants of life it had. I look at my hand...a glowing blade emitted from it, I tried to get up and admire it, but I couldn't, in fact, I couldn't move my body at all. "Did it paralyze me? No...It did, dammit, I thought I could kill it unscathed." I thought. I couldn't move my mouth. I move my eyes to see a black smoking hole in my right forearm, purple blood was oozing out of it, It began to sting once I looked at it, it then went from a sting to full-on pain. I couldn't scream because my jaw was paralyzed too.

I was panicking at this point. I try my best to move, even just a bit but to no avail. I'm praying that someone heard my scream, of all the ways to die I would prefer the plane crash because this is just pathetic, dying from my own stupidity. I look towards the dead-er's still lying there so I won't have to worry about it attacking me again It starts to get dark, I can't think of anything except for me wishing that I could go back in time and prevent myself from going out, god what will Bianca think, Cyrus, parents back home...

Wait, maybe all is not lost, I hear footsteps, although muffled, coming towards me, "Hello! Anyone out there!?" The voice said, it sounded like a woman's voice. The voice got louder and so did the footsteps, eventually, she found me, "Oh my god what happened to you!? We need to get to the hospital now!" Or at least that's what I think she would have said, I was already unconscious by the time she found me. I had weird pre-death dreams if that's a thing. Voices talking to me, the sky warping, the ground melting, etc., etc. I don't know how I was able to cling to life for so long.

I woke up in a hospital, it was a nice one: White walls, Gold lights that shower the room with a warm orange light, and marble floors. I try to move my arms and to my relief, they move although they ache a bit. The woman who saved me was a friend of Bianca's who was coming over to visit who just so happened to hear my scream and track me down, she said she thought a little girl got trapped in the woods...Bianca was there also, she wasn't amused. She looked like a disappointed mom with her arms crossed and annoyed face. "Next time I'm taking you with me wherever I go, god it's like I'm watching over a child." She said in an annoyed tone.

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