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I woke up slobbering on the couch and Cyrus was in the kitchen making breakfast, it smelled like waffles. The tv was on the weather channel but I couldn't see the screen due to the sun rays hitting it. I feel like I'm back home for some reason, the tv in the background, the smell of waffles in the morning, the morning rays bombarding my face, I loved it.

"Oh morning Alex, crazy night huh?" Cyrus says to me. "Wait that wasn't a dream? Heh, I've only been here for a week and a half and already I'm getting involved in these huge battles." I say to him. I lay back down on the couch, but then I notice Bianca isn't there. "Hey, where did Bianca go?" I ask. "She went back home, she said she needs some time alone. Whatever she saw in that portal really messed her up, I've never seen her like this." Cyrus said, "I wouldn't go over there right now though, besides it's time for you to get a home. After all, I did kinda promise you that I would get you one." I forgot about that. I get up and change clothes, Cyrus offers me waffles and orange juice (no pulp) and we get ready to go.

I wait for him at the door thinking we're going to drive there. He gives me this confused look. "What are you doing?" He asks, "We can just teleport there you know, I didn't forget this time." He grabs me and we teleport to one of his houses. The house he showed me was a two-story, with stone pillars on the sides of the door. "Eh not this one, too grandeur for me." Cyrus said ok and promptly teleported us to another house. This one was another two-story, this one was good but the neighborhood it was in...well wasn't. "Who did you buy this house off of?" I ask. "No one, just this guy who wanted to leave for...reasons, anyways I just have this house for any schmuck who wants a nice house for cheap, though I see your not one of them." He says.

We teleport to one more house, of course, it's a two-story, I think Cyrus really loves two-story houses. Anyways it was nice: White walls with wooden trim, a glass screen door with a mahogany door behind it, and a nice little porch on the front. But the thing that enticed me the most was the fact that behind the line of houses was a cliff that overlooked not only the beach but the city of Toronto too, even from where we're standing I can see the World's Tower poking from behind the house. That was the seller for me. "Woah this is nice, when did you get it?" I ask excitedly. "This is a special house, this was the house that I grew up in when I was a little kid. I don't remember much from it but the fact that it was mine makes it that bit more special." He said, "I'll let you live here, but just don't mess anything up okay?" I nodded yes and he handed me the keys. "I'll hand over your stuff but after that I need to do something." He said.

He teleports home and back to me with all of my stuff, he then helps me get settled and everything which took what feels like hours. Once we're done we take a little break. "Oh, shit I need to go Alex, You're welcome hope you enjoy it!" In a rush he teleports to whatever business he had, he even left his pho- nope that disappeared as soon as I noticed it. I take a look around my new home, taking in all of the walls, the floor, and the window showing the wonderful view of the skyline and the beach.

Meanwhile, Cyrus teleported back to Zulu HQ. "My SkyLink is in there, what do they want with it?" He thought to himself. He teleported in the hallway the SkyLink room was in, he spots the tattered door that I broke into, he runs into the door avoiding any remaining guards, the number of them seems to have drastically decreased since last time. He walks over to the portal console to inspect it, see if the Zulu tampered with it in any way. Once he got to it he rests his hands on the console, "How did they rebuild you? What were they going to do?" Cyrus thought.

A man walks into the room, Cyrus turns around to see who came in. His eyes widen, "Shit... it's you...what are you doing here?" He asks him. "Cyrus we've talked before don't act like a stranger. You want your "baby" back, is that right?" The man says to him. "Don't you even think about claiming SkyLink for yourself, Stephan, it's my creation, and I destroyed it for a reason. Plus knowing you, you'd try to use it as a weapon." Cyrus says. Stephan was an old enemy of Cyrus, and he may be old but his power over people's minds is nothing to scoff at, he was the person who single-handedly persuaded dozens to join him in his quest for power, this coalition is what founded the Catalysts in the first place.

Stephen walks up to the portal gate, admiring it. "You've built such a well oiled machine, this thing could revolutionize transportation for all of humanity. Yet you destroyed it because of one flaw, one flaw that you could have patched up easily. You don't deserve it Cyrus, honestly you never did." He says to Cyrus. Cyrus balled his fists in anger. "I destroyed it because it would just open links to other worlds randomly, no matter what the world was. I had to destroy it or else it could spawn something that could threaten all life on this planet! I'm trying to save the world here Stephen and I will not have you put everyone in jeopardy!" He said, "Oh why bother, you don't even know how to work it. Really I shouldn't have anything to worry about." Cyrus laughs and walks out of the room. Stephen mumbles under his breath. "No but I know someone who does..."

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