De Ultima Pugna

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I arrived here from an accident, I don't belong here. All I wanted was an escape from my life back home, I just wanted to live a new life to call my own. To live in peace by myself. But no, nothing can go my way can it? From rejection to a mother turned drunk, all of the major turning points in my life were all negative. And now I'm stuck in another dimension (which I'm still trying to wrap my head around) And now I'm about to fight for my life and my friends', where I could die a horrible death, or come out victorious and proud.

But I don't care, despite all of that my time here was actually enjoyable. The friends I've made, Cyrus and Bianca, both have given me some sort of enjoyment since I've crash-landed here one month ago. I...don't know where I would be without them, Bianca gave me a home for a bit, Cyrus told me about my hidden powers, and they both have shown me just how dangerous this powered world is. And the fact that I've bested all of them means that I'm more powerful than I thought. But I can't get too cocky, not now. I still have a long day ahead of me. Hopefully, it won't be my last.

The thing that stood before me now...It was like Cyrus' portal but supersized times five-hundred, just like Cyrus said. The room it stood was as big as the auditorium, if not bigger. White porcelain floors and tiled walls. It's a damn good room for something like this. I see a viewing window on the top floor. I also saw a door that leads to the viewing platform, perfect. I saw stairs to my right so I made my descent down the stairs, which took like five minutes. It's only when I get to the bottom where I fully take in the scale of the thing, it was about as tall as a building. "Man, I hope we're able to use the thing once we take control of it, we could use it for...Uhm...I don't know. Shipping maybe? I'm sure we'll figure out the details later." I said to myself.

I can hear the faint hum of the giant portal as if it was used fairly recently. I started to notice a smell as I got closer to the thing. It reminded me of worn copper, similar to the smell of wet pennies if that makes any sense...Weird. Anyways I refocus my attention on getting upstairs to wait for Cyrus and Bianca. "Now where was that door...ah, there it is!" I said. I try to run towards the door but immediately my legs began to cramp up, that's when I remembered that I'm practically running off of backup power here, so I walk the rest of the way. As I make my way to the door and up the stairs, I start to get worried. "Damn I really hope those two made it okay, I'm in no condition to fight if anything comes through. Who was that guy anyway? He said something about being a mercenary, but for who? Troy? Ha, if Troy was really all that tough why would he hire mercenaries? Coward." I said.

I made my way into the viewing room. It was bigger than I thought. Computers everywhere, wires going across the ceiling in neat formations, and a vending machine too. I guess even evil scientists get the munchies too. I saw what seems to be a control panel labeled SkyLink 2.0 C-Panel, SkyLink 2.0? So they have stolen Cyrus' documents to make this. Wait till he hears about this.

No one was here to tell me not to, so I started messing around a bit with the portal controls. Nothing too major, until I accidentally hit test and started the portal. When it started the entire room was bathed with a bright blue, followed by...Orange and Purple. The same two colors that I saw before my plane crashed. I had flashbacks to that crash: People screaming, scared for their lives, the loud bang as the plane crashed into the water, the sight of the wings missing...the same colors that brought me here, are the same colors that will watch over us as we take it from its creator, and put it into the right hands. I feel like I'm about to save the world, and maybe I am, who knows.

Five minutes later.

"Where are they? They should be here right about now unless they got lost. Leave it to Cyrus to get lost, though I would expect Bianca to help him out at least." I thought to myself. I almost fell asleep in the chair I was in. Until the doors behind me opened, and when I turned around expecting those two to be there. It was instead Troy, with the bodies of both Cyrus and Bianca in each hand. "Expecting someone?" He said. He tossed them in towards me like they were trash, though fortunately when they hit the ground I heard Bianca make a small noise. "Oh thank God, they're not dead." I thought to myself. I sighed a sigh of relief, but I looked up to see Troy locking the door behind him. He isn't smiling smugly like he usually does, it was more of a scowl. He's really pissed, more than before.

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