Evil Premonition

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While Cyrus handles business I get comfortable in my new home. it's a big change from living in Bianca's little home in the middle of nowhere. Bianca...I wonder how she's feeling, I hope she's ok. I should go see her once I get the chance. I go upstairs and plop my stuff next to the bed, a king-sized memory foam bed perfect for my size. I then take a little tour around the house, the while pearly walls make even the darker areas glow, the grey carpet reminds me of cat's fur, Three rooms line the hallway I'm in with the bathroom being at the end of the hall.

I go back downstairs, coming down the stairs you get a pathway leading to the door, on your left you have the main living room with the balcony at the far side, to your right is the kitchen that has a small chandelier hanging over the dining table, and under the stairs is a door leading to the garage, and tour over.

I go to the balcony door and head outside. It's a bit of a walk until you get to the edge of the cliff, once I get there I sit down to admire the view: the sight of the massive Toronto skyline towering over the beach a few miles to the left is just...you have to be there to fully experience it. I lie on my back, letting the grass cradle me as I close my eyes and take a little nap. My nap was short-lived, however, as my phone vibrated to a text. "Hold on...Bianca? 'Hey I heard about your new place, hope you're feeling comfy. Finally you're out of my house, lol. I wanna come over if that's alright with you.' She wants to come over? Ok." I say to myself. I sent her a text back saying ok and sent her my address.

An hour later I hear a knock at the door, I look through the peephole to see Bianca standing there waiting for me to answer. I open the door letter her in, "Hey." She says to me. "Hey, are you feeling any better?" I ask her. She sits on the couch, "Hmm? Oh yeah, yeah I'm ok. Sorry you had to see me like that, I'm sure it was uncomfortable for you to watch." She said. "No, I was more concerned than uncomfortable." I said. She smiled.

I sit down next to her. She grabs the remote and turns the tv to Channel 34 which is a cartoon channel, and for the next half hour, we just watch cartoons. I didn't want to bring this up just in case she has any PTSD from it but I just had to ask about what she saw when we were in the portal, what shook her so bad that she had a mental breakdown. "So...about what happened back there, you know with the whole SkyLink situation." I say to her, trying to find the right words. "Yeah?" She says back. "Back when we were in the Zulu's headquarters and you got thrown into the portal, what did you see? I mean I'll understand if you don't want to talk about it I'm just curious." I said.

She turns down the tv and sighs, "You want to know what made me curl into a ball and cry my eyes out huh?" She says to me. "No no no I- uh, nevermind." I said. "No it's fine, I was expecting you to ask eventually. The last time I remember being scared like that was when my dad passed away and my mom got mad and started destroying stuff in some sort of grieving rage, but that was years ago." She said. She sits up straighter before talking, "When I initially got thrown in there I immediately tried to go back to help you, but I ended up miles away from the gate. I started wandering around trying to find it, but it only made me more lost than before. Eventually I began to give up, it felt like hours wandering endlessly trying to find something that wasn't even there anymore most likely." She paused a bit, "That's when I start to hear voices in my head, it started telling me to do things, terrible things. I obviously refused, but I guess it started to get pissed off because I started to feel this pressure inside my head and it began chanting in this weird alien language while my head felt like it was about to explode. But that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part came when these eyes began to circle around me, they wouldn't stop staring at me they just kept floating around me. So I try to run, but this cold dark hand came out the ground and grabbed me, trapping me so I couldn't escape..."

She stopped for a bit. I asked her what's wrong, but she just shook her head and kept telling her story. "I grabbed me so I couldn't escape, then that's when the entire thing came out. The figure...it-it was my dad, my dead fucking dad. I wanted to run, just get the hell out of there but I couldn't, something was keeping me there and I don't know if it was the eyes or just my brain being too in shock to respond. Then it spoke, It fucking spoke. 'Bianca, my pride and joy what are you doing here? Ah no matter, you've had your time in the realm of life. Fate has brought you here to me sweetheart don't you see? We can be together again, just you and me, like you've always wanted.' I punched it in the face. That's not my dad, that was some projection trying to bait me into some trap. I got free and ran as fast as could, some tentacles came out of the ground and surrounded me but I grabbed my guns and shot at it. It did nothing but anger it even more. It grabbed my arms and pulled them away from me, was it trying to rip them off? That's when you came. I saw you trying to help me but I couldn't respond, and when you tried to pull me away a loud ear piercing screech was just destroying my ears. After a while it went black, and I woke up on the floor with you and Cyrus looking at me. I was just paralyzed and a bit embarrassed too, all I could do is just lie there and cry." She says to me.

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