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When I woke up that morning I smelled a burning smell, I thought it was a fire so I jumped up to go grab water. But it turned out to be Bianca failing at cooking. "Shit, shit, no go away! Oh hey, Alex, you're up! Lend me a hand here would you? And quickly!" She yelled. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a cup of water and threw it at the burning food. It went out sizzling, a scalding drop of oil hit my arm. "Ow! Oh, come on, can't I catch a damn break!?" I yelled. Bianca started laughing. 

Bianca threw away the charred food. "What were you even trying to make anyway?" I ask. "Pancakes." Bianca said. "Those were pancakes!?" I asked. "Hey, man I only know how to cook dinner-related stuff. I'm not that good with breakfast." Bianca said. "How's your arm doing?" She asked. I looked at my arm, it looks better than it did last night, but I still can't feel it much. "Still can't feel it." I said. Bianca gave me a sad look. "Aw, I'm sorry, can you move it?" She asked. I raised my arm, it still ached a bit but it's ok. I try to clench my fist but it only clenched halfway. "Eh, almost. But it's fine, I wonder what zany plan Cyrus is cooking up in that basement of his." I said. "Me too." Bianca said.

And speaking of the devil guess who called our phones. "Hey it's Cyrus, should I answer?" I asked. "No shit." Bianca said. I answer the phone. "Yeah?" I said. "Come to my house. Both of you. We're doing this now, we can't waste any more time. In fact..." Cyrus said. He sounded serious. As soon as he hung up we were teleported to his house. "The fuck? Alright, Cyrus you have to...what the hell happened here?!" I asked. Smoldering walls and furniture all around the house, I saw parts of Troy's demons scattered across the floor. "He attacked my home, the place where I sleep, the one place where I can feel safe. He tried to kill me...and for what?" Cyrus said. I turned around to find him holding a demon's arm in his hands, his body is still smoking which means he was just done with a fight. "We are going to that HQ now. I don't care if we destroy it or not, I want to see nothing but Troy's mangled body strung up on the ceiling and his head on a silver platter. Any objections?" He said. Me and Bianca both shook our heads no, we tried not to say anything that could piss him off even more, which in this case could be anything.

"Good. Alex, we're going with my plan, you try to take out as many people as possible. Me and Bianca will try to find that portal or the portal control room. Understood?" Cyrus said. "Y-yes sir." I said nervously. Cyrus snapped his fingers and in less than a second we're in the grand hall of the Zulu Foundation's headquarters. It's...emptier than I would imagine, I expected to be at least twenty guys at the front, but there's no one. "Huh, I guess I was right after all. Troy's lost his army. Perfect, now, Bianca you have your guns right?" Cyrus asked. "Always." Bianca said. She pulled out a rifle and a long pistol. "Where the hell do you keep this stuff?" I asked. Bianca put her finger to her mouth. "Shhhh, that's a secret." She said. "Well come on, I need you to watch my back, who knows what that guy has up his sleeve." Cyrus said. They both walked down the hall to the right. leaving me in the middle of the grand hall, alone.

It was kind of scary, being here alone, never thought I'd be back here but here we are. How many people have I killed? I don't know. That Imbhov guy, I straight up murdered him, but he absolutely deserved it, just like how Troy deserves it. I've only known him for about a couple of weeks, but my hatred for that son of a bitch is more than my hatred for anybody, and I hate a lot of people. He's killed so many people, innocent people just going about their day! I can't believe someone that evil could exist (Actually...nevermind). I start walking towards the left hallway, I think I remember the original portal being in that direction. The quietness is starting to get to me, all I can hear is my footsteps and the buzzing of the lights above me. The hollowness of this place is unsettling. I hate this place, the eeriness is like a cemetery, this is where the damned roam free, haunting the living with whispers of pain and suffering, but this time it's suffering that we caused, but it was worth it in order to...actually why did we do that?

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