Early Arrival

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"Today's the big day, the day where everything will change."

"Everything you once knew means nothing here."

"I can't help, but ill stay close behind."

We've all had one of those days where at least something goes wrong: whether it's you spilling coffee on the nice white shirt that you've just ironed, or your dog going missing, or someone just flat-out dying. Ok, that was a jump b-but you get my point. I thought today was going to be just a normal day, I move to Vancouver, I might get a new job because I don't think part-time jobs at Walmart will help pay rent. but no, instead... how about I just tell you.

7:00 am

Beep, beep, beep, beep, bee-*click*. I shut the alarm off, "Wha- Dammit, no way it's 7 already, the flight leaves at 9!" I hastily get dressed and get ready and pack things that I didn't pack last night. I grab some breakfast from my kitchen and begin to head out the door until I forgot the one thing that I didn't pack, probably the most important thing to me, "Wait, where... oh crap I forgot the necklace! can't go anywhere without it!" My grandma before she passed away gave me a black pearl necklace that her mom gave to her, she said that it would give me good luck whenever I travel anywhere. Now of course I don't believe in all that, luck and stuff, but this is my grandma we're talking about here, she's like my second mother to me, so of course, I took it seriously, and now wherever I go I take it with me.

So I grab my keys and now I head for the door. I hopped in my car and before I left I made sure to text my mom that I was off, her baby bird has not only left the nest but now left the entire forest, off to explore for his own. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't miss her, and that I didn't shed a tear, but I can't stay here, I have my own passions and goals I want to do, places I want to see, and people I want to meet. I hope she understands, I would meet her but my flight leaves in an hour and a bit so I gotta go, luckily I don't live far from JFK so I should make it.

And so with that, I'm off, I make a stop at the doughnut shop for my mandatory doughnut every morning, and I try my best to beat the New York traffic.... with no prevail. Yeah, I forgot I live smack in the middle of NYC where the fastest you'll go is maybe 5 mph on a good day. "Come on come on! I have places to be!" I look at my watch: "8:36 am" I have an hour and twenty-four minutes before the plane leaves, so I look around to see if I'm surrounded by cars, and luckily I'm not, so I reverse out of the traffic and go down an alley that I know will take me past the cars and take me to a small mostly unused road aside from the occasional car. eventually ending up in the right direction I set my GPS for JFK International Airport and it was smooth sailing from there.

8:59 am

I arrive at my gate and plop myself in the nearest seat I can find. They should be announcing the departures soon, so I wanted to take a little nap. but before I could I notice a very familiar face, I squint my eyes to get a better look and I make out one of my best friends standing at the concessions across the hall. "Is that? Oh no way, Emily! I have time to go say hi right? I do, perfect." I make my way towards her, "Hey, long time no see!" she turns around and when she sees me she smiles, "oh shit hey! I didn't know you'd be here what a small world. I'm just here for the food" she points at the McDonalds stand. "Heh yeah have fun getting diabetes, you know I heard that they put goat meat in their burgers?" She gives me a sarcastic look and chuckles. "Gate A5 departing now, gate A5 departing now". "Oop I guess you gotta go huh?" she asks, "Yeaaah, but hey I've always told you that eventually I'll hitch a ride to Vanny, and well, today's the big day, the day where everything will change: My life, everything. But I'll visit you don't worry. Oh and tell Monte that he can shove it, telling me that I'll never grow the balls to leave, send me a picture of his face once you do." She laughs and says ok, "See you glass eyes" I turn around and say bye back.

If you're wondering what that means, I was born with brown eyes of course but wherever light shines on them they reveal a pearlescent pattern as if you're looking at oil on the ground. Just if you were wondering, who knows that could be important later. I get on the plane, a 747, which in my opinion is the best plane ever, I got top floor seats, it cost an arm and a leg (and my watch), but it was worth it to ride in luxury (but I do miss my watch). The stewardess leads me to my seat, I then put my stuff in the overhead and my in-flight entertainment under my seat. The lady begins to spout off the usually pre-flight procedures and safety protocols that almost every flight does, so I ignore them. eventually, the plane fired up its engines and before you know it we start to reverse onto the taxiway. I take one last look at the terminal, trying to take everything in before I leave it forever.

10:30 am

It's been what felt like forever even though it's been what an hour? I remember that I brought my games and stuff and yes even though I'm 18 I still bring games on flights, shut up, so I take them out and distract myself for 7 hours. the food lady comes around and takes everyone's orders, after that, I drift off to sleep. I don't remember what my dream was but I know it was something weird, usually, my dreams come true one way or another, but this dream... I doubt this will or is even possible to come true.

4:00 pm

"Attention all passengers this is your beautiful captain speaking, we're making our approach to Vancouver International, please buckle your seatbelts when the light is on and lift your trays up, thank you for flying with us and I hope to see you all again." I wake up for a bit to buckle up so I can fall back asleep. Just before I closed my eyes, however, the plane started to shake. I thought, "Wow turbulence must be a bitch today." But then a wave of blue and purple went along the plane, soon after it turned into chaos; people were screaming, the plane felt like it was falling, I tried my best to not freak out and look scared. I turned my head to look out the window, then I slowly turned back, "Where's the rest of the wings, whe-why did I choose today of all days, why me....". Internally I was panicking and a million thoughts were racing through my head until bang......... Nothing but black.

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