"You're not from here are you?"

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"W-Where am I? " I take a look around, all I see is blackness, no sound no nothing. "No, no no no no no I can't be dead, this has to be a dream, please let this all be a dream, I'm just lying in bed, and I'm about to wake up. Please." Something approaches me, I try to run but I can't move. Before it grabs me a sudden loud noise roars across the landscape, it sounds like it's coming from, well everywhere.

I jolt awake in a cold sweat. It was a dream for sure, but I'm not in my room, lying comfortably in my bed. I'm on a beach, my clothes drenched in lake water. I try to stand but my legs feel like they were stomped on by an elephant. I just sit there, cursing myself out for ever wanting to leave. Maybe this is punishment for me being so hasty to jump from the nest so quickly. I just want to go back but it's not like I can just teleport back, I don't know what to do: cry? Scream? I just lay back down and try to fall asleep, maybe when I wake up ill be back home, home from this nightmare. I hear footsteps coming my way, it's probably the police or someone wondering why some wet hobo was laying on the beach.

I open my eyes to see not a cop, but a woman looking back down at me, she was blonde, wore a black coat and jeans, not really what a cop would look like, to me at least. "Hey kid, you homeless or something?" She says to me. "N-No, ok this might sound crazy to you, which may not help my case but just hear me out. All I know is that I was on a plane going to Vancouver, I don't know what happened but the last thing I see before the plane crashes and I got knocked out was a blue flash, and the parts of the wing missing. Again I know it sounds insane but please you've got believe me." I'm on my knees at this point, I'm not going crazy, am I? "I know about the plane crash." She says, "I'm just trying to figure out how the hell you're alive? I get a call from my friend that something popped up on his radar and he asked me to go take a look at what caused it, I knew there was a plane crash at the beach because of the news, but blips only appear on his radar if high energy readings appear. I honestly didn't expect an actual person to be here let alone alive. " Her surprised face turned into a smile, "Wait, wait wait wait blue flash? That could only mean....ok ok this is good, that means it worked!" I stare at her confused. "What worked? Woah hey, easy!" She grabs my arm, nearly pulling it off, and leads me to what I hope is her car, and tosses me in the front seat. "Hey, why not pull my arm off? It's not like I just came from a damn plane crash." I said annoyed. She didn't hear me though, she's too busy being proud of something. I ask where we're going, she says we're going to see her friend who doesn't live too far from here, this was the point I realized that I never even caught her name. "So seems like we'll be in here for a while, um I didn't catch your name back there." I said. "Bianca, and uh sorry for pulling your arm too hard back there, but I needed you to come with me because you're living proof that the SkyLink worked for once." She says.

"SkyLink? What's that?" I ask. "I'll explain once we get there, oh and if you're wondering, you know about your clothes situation, there's extra in the back, could be a good fit since we seem to be the same height, but anything is better than what you're wearing now." Bianca said. I look in the back seat to see a pair of jeans and a red T-Shirt. A couple of minutes later we arrive at her friend's house, it's a big house, like those houses you'd see people like sports stars live in, two stories, big windows, marble pillars at the front entrance. "Ok so I'm going to ring the bell, you stay here and get changed." She runs off to the door while I get out to put on the clothes. Shockingly they fit, the pants could be looser but I'll take what I can get. I met Bianca at the door. "So is the house?" I asked. She looks at me and says, "Well he barely leaves the house, he better be." I hear footsteps approach and then the door opens, I expected to see a big gruff guy that could scare off even the meanest of bikers from the way the footsteps sounded but instead I see a guy who looks like he hasn't slept in years: Stubble, slick but kinda scruffy black hair, and wearing a tank top, although he was like 6' 7" and pretty built. "Hey, Bianca who's this?" He said.  He points at me, "Oh him? Well, he is proof that your SkyLink works! Go on tell him!" Bianca said. She motions me to tell him about my "adventure". Before I could say anything though, he says, "Well come on in first, don't want you guys out here in the cold, also I don't want bugs to get in my house."

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