Canyon Moon

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Y/n PoV:
The week was finally over and we were making our way on to the jet. The rest of the week was alright, I didn't get partnered up with Reid for the rest of the week but it did give me a chance to get to know the rest of the team better which was nice, at least it meant I didn't feel like puking every time I spoke to one of them; although that hasn't completely gone away. I hadn't been sleeping great this week which was normal, I thought that was going to change after first getting the job but apparently not, it was just the usual naps. We had just finished a case in New Jersey and I was determined to sleep on the plane having only gotten 4 hours the other night. I was sat down next to Reid who was looking at a book and smiled at me when I sat down.

"You okay?", he asked me.

"Yeah I'm okay", I smile lightly back at him.

"You look tired", he said a concerned look on his face.

"Just a little", I reply not wanting him to fuss or anything.

"You should try and sleep then" and I nod my head in agreement. I pull out my headphones and pop them and clicked on my playlist. I leant my head on the back of the chair and closed my already heavy eyes and began to drift off.
I woke up suddenly my head snapping up, I looked around realising my head had fallen onto Reid's shoulder. "I'm sorry", I said apologetically whilst rubbing my hands with my eyes before looking at him.

"It's no problem", he said smiling, "it's actually be proven that people tend to feel more well rested when their head is leaning on something  whilst they sleep, so I give you my shoulder", he told me and I felt myself blush. "That is if you want it"

"Thank you" I said whilst adjusting myself so I could lean on his shoulder. "That was a weird  fact, you know" I said looking up at him.

"Oh um I'm sorry", he said his voice dropping.

"Hey, I never said I didn't like it" I said and I saw smile grow on his face.

"You should sleep now", he said and I did.

I woke up to the sound of whispering but not wanting to fully wake up I kept my eyes closed.
"yeah but how do I wake her up?", I heard Reid whisper rather loudly.

"I don't know man" Morgan said matching his volume, "squeeze her leg or something".

"No that's weird", Reid replied and another voice chimed in quietly.

"I thought you were supposed to be king of women, but that is just creepy", JJ also whispered.

"Yeah don't do that", Hotch's deep voice said. Jesus, were they all just watching me sleep?

"Why don't you stroke her cheek or something", JJ said

"And that's any better?", Reid whispered again, "you guys are useless" he muttered so I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that heard. I could feel his warm on my cheek and I couldn't control the butterflies. Just then the sound to say we were landing soon came on and I used that as an opportunity to "wake up". I opened my eyes to see Morgan sat opposite us, Hotch's head, who was sat back to back with Morgan, turn back to the file and JJ quickly run back to her seat next to Emily. Subtle. I raised my head and looked at Reid.

"Hi", I said croakily and it made him smile, he opened his mouth to say something but before he could say anything Morgan jumped in first.

"Good morning buttercup", he said laughing and I just rolled my eyes. I turn to look at him when I realised there was a cardigan on me back to front, acting as a blanket. Reid followed my gaze.

"Oh sorry, it's just that um you seemed cold so I uh gave you my cardigan", I couldn't help but smile at him. God this man was too cute.

"Well, thank you" I said and I gave it back to him. "Did I really sleep for the whole flight?", I said in astonishment.

"Yep, all four hours"

"I'm so sorry, your poor shoulder", I felt terrible.

"I didn't even notice", he smiled at me.

"What a liar, he was complaining about needing to pee for the last hour", Morgan said laughing and Reid shot him a look.

"Speaking of that, I must go", he said before standing and heading to the bathroom.

We were soon leaving and it was finally the weekend. Reid and I came into work together, whether walking or driving, since he suggested that we lived so close it would only make sense, and I'm glad he did because I was too afraid to. I got into the passenger side on the door and plugged in my phone. "Today Dr Reid I will be introducing you to one of my favourites... Canyon Moon" I said in a dramatic voice and he smiled widely at me.  I clicked play and the song began, I sang along with it happily bobbing along until the end of a chorus came up. "Oh oh oh", I said quickly "Look Spence I know this part in sign language".

Quick pause in conversation, she plays songs I've never heard, old lovers hippie music, pretends not to know the words but I keep thinking back to the time under the Canyon Moon.

"Mooonnnnn", I sing whilst finishing the bit that I knew how to sign and smiled happily at Reid whose face was a reflection of mine.

"Impressive", he says laughing and by the time the song has finished we are already at our flats and I grab my bag and hops out the car.

"Well... I'll see you Monday Spencer Reid", I say possibly too happy as I try to mask my disappointment that I'd have to wait two days.

"I guess I will", he replies back and I go to shut the door his voice sounds again, "Wait, do you um maybe want to do something tomorrow, you are new around here I could show you a good coffee shop, well hot chocolate shop for you, if maybe you wanted?", he said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. I felt the sadness of the weekend float away.

"Yeah I would love that, just message me a time", I smile at him and close the door before heading up to the apartment. I throw myself on the couch after saying hello to May, my heart racing, of course this wasn't a date, he didn't go Yn go on a date with me, he's just being nice. I bet Hotch probably put him on new recruit duty but honestly I didn't mind. There was something about his that eased my breathing a little, I never felt as awkward around him as I did anyone else. I hopped in the shower in order to relax before I tried to sleep and got changed into my pjamas. I flopped onto my bed and May hopped up and came and cuddled. I closed my eyes trying to sleep, determined to try and do it without music but an hour had passed and I there I was staring at the ceiling. I felt my eyes well up with tears, god I was so fucking stupid sometimes. I grab my headphones and played music. I soon fell asleep but as usual I woke up every couple hours and this continued until the next morning.

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now