Fool For You

713 13 29

Y/N's PoV

"I hate this", Reid says as we walk through the local mall. "There are so many people here, imagine the amount of germs, everyone is picking up things, then puting them back. Do you know how quickly bacteria divides?"

"Each bacteria cell divides once every 20 minutes by binary fission so the after an hour there will be 8 bacterial cells, after 6 hour there will be around 262,144 and that's only if there was only cell to begin with", I reply quickly and from the look on his face the question was clearly rhetorical.

"I wanted to tell you that", he mutters quietly and a let out a laugh before throwing my arms over his shoulder and pulling him down so my head rested on mine for a second.

"I'm sorry", I laugh, "You can tell me a fact in return".

"The first shopping mall was the Country Club Plaza, founded by the J.C. Nichols Company and opened near Kansas City, in 1922. But it wasn't until 1956 that the first enclosed mall called South-dale opened in Edina, Minnesota.", he grins as we walk through the crowds of people. "I wish I could tell you who I got for secret santa so you could help me, I've got no idea what to get them", he sighs.

"Well you better think quickly because we only have less than a week less. I already have mine ready and wrapped", I flick my hair dramatically over my shoulder, with a smug look on my face.

"I like you a lot you know?", he tells me and that simple statment makes my face feel like it is on fire. "But that is one thing I hate about you. You are pretty much perfect, too perfect almost"

"God you're so dramatic", I scrunch up my nose to try hide how much it made me smile. "I would help you but we've managed almost two weeks without telling each other, I'm not gonna break that now. So what we are gonna do is, you are gonna go get your secret santa gift and I'm going to buy what ever pointless thing I don't really need because it's Christmas".

"Fine but you have to get me something pointless too please"

"Always", I smile. "Now go!", I push him in the opposite direction and he stumbles and I watch him trundle off into the crowd of people, awkwardly stepping out of the of busy holiday shoppers.


That is all that is going through my mind as I wonder aimlessly through shops. I can't stop wondering what he could be thinking about. Is he thinking about me? Is he hating the amount of people here as much as me? Does he like the all the Christmas lights?

I feel stupid. If I could just speak my mind and actually communicate my feelings with a real life person maybe I wouldn't be in this position. Who knows where we would be right now. Maybe I could be able to just kiss him whenever I wanted or maybe it would be the complete the opposite and we wouldn't be able to even look at each other at work because it would be too embarassing.

I like to tell myself that I'm shoving my feelings into the darkest pit of my fibre is because everyhting that I would be putting at jeopardy: our friendship, my work...

In reality I'm just scared. A scared little girl with an extreme fear of rejection and I'm happy being friends with Reid, it's not worth the risk. At least that's what I choose to belief.

It's been almost 45 minutes before I get a message of Spence telling me that he's finally gotten his gift. When I see him at the entrance of the mall, his arm automatically is outstreched with a disposable cup of what I can only assume is hot chocolate which I welcome with open arms. "Successful?", I ask.

"I sure hope so", he clenches teeth holding up a gift bag.

"I'm sure whoever it is will love it", I say as we walk back to his car and I immediately blast up the heat, the change in temperature sends shivers up my spine,

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now