Night Changes

760 11 15

Y/n PoV

"Are we almost there?", I ask, my impatience getting the better of me. To be fair, not only did I not know where we were going, I had been sitting with food on my lap that under strict commands I was not allowed to eat so I feel that I have the right to be annoying. But on the other hand we had only been driving for 10 minutes.

Before setting off in the car, we went to the bakery that we went to on my second day on the team. It has since then become a regular spot for us and as soon as we walked in Lucy, a barista behind the counter, had begun preparing our order.

"Only a few minutes left", Reid chuckled and just has he had said a few minutes passed and we were reversing into a spot. My eyes follow him as he moved the hand that was resting on my knee, his thumb drawing circles, now moved behind me, resting on the back of my chair, as he turned his body to reverse. At first I tried to deny the fact that the attractiveness I felt towards him reversing the car was uncalled for. But as I watch his jawline become even more defined than before that I realised that it was completely called for. And once he had put the car in park I lean across the seat and place a soft kiss on his lips.

"What was that for?", he smiled, a plush pink flooding his face.

"Nothing, just you look kinda cute today", I shrug and his smile widens. "We are at a... river?", I question, looking out of the window to see we were parked parallel to a river, which benches littered up and down the waters edge. Despite the beauty of the scenery I was mildly confused about why we had driven the past half hour to come to a river but I wouldn't dare complain. I could go anywhere with him and it wouldn't even matter, all I ever paid attention to was his anyways.

"I know it's a bit weird but you'll see why later", I lower my eyebrows trying to figure out what he had planned but before I could investigate any further, Reid hopped out the car and was walking around to open the door for me. He grabbed the bags of food and something from the trunk before taking my hand and we walked along the river until we found the, to quote Reid, "Perfect" bench.

It sat below a large willow tree whose low hanging branches sealed it from the rest of the world whilst still giving us the perfect view of the slow moving water. I sit down next to him on the bench, my side squished up against him, not wanting any distance between us. Before I could even say anything, Spence handed me my bagel and we just ate in silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, it was simply enough to be doing this with each other.

It wasn't until possibly 5 minutes after when my eyes were on a pair of ducks in the distance when I felt his gaze on him and I turn to face him. "Can I ask you something?", he says quietly, his voice still awkwardly adjusting to speaking. I give him a simple nod in return and he proceeds, "When did you know... how long have you liked me for?".

I have to stop myself from grinning, something about this question made my heart melt. "Well I mean, I do have eyeballs so I almost immediately had a crush on you since day, you make it impossible not to", I try to say with an ounce of confidence in my voice to try and avoid how embarrassed I was to say this, even now when he knew I liked him. But whatever I try to hide in red cheeks, he made up for , "And I guess everything else was not much longer after that - I mean you sat next to me on the jet and listened to Harry with me. I don't think I really stood a chance".

He didn't say anything, just simply wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in closer. My head rested perfectly on his shoulder. After a second passed he then rested his head on mine, "I liked you as soon as you walked in the door", his voice hushed. "You were so beautiful and-"

"Were?!", I interrupt, feigning offence.

"Oh shut up", he chuckles, "You know what I meant. I- You are everything I'm not but everything that I am in one". I can't help but smile as we looked out to the river, I knew exactly what he meant. "I never told you this but after our first case, when we got back I stayed up all night and listened to the entirety of Harry Styles' discography".

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now