Only for the Brave

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Y/n PoV
Luckily this case was local so we didn't have to fly anywhere however not so luckily it was a kidnapping case, which affects the whole team attitude. JJ was more tense than I'd ever seen her and Reid told me that it usually happen with cases involving kid because JJ has her own. It had been 17 hours since the little girl had gone missing and we had narrowed down the kidnapper with a personal motive, the unsub had to have known her to be able to be let in the house without any signs of struggle. So far none of us have gotten any rest and it was clearly affecting our work; I was in the conference room with Reid, he was looking through her journals and I her belongings from her room.
"Reid, are you okay", I look over at him worried.

"Yeah yeah, why?", he said sluggishly.

"Because you are reading at human pace", I laugh and he blinks and shakes his head as he realised that he had been reading the same page for the last minute. "Look, take a power nap and I know there is a missing girl out there and this makes me sound like a terrible person but just sleep."

"But I", he tried to say but I cut him off.

"Sleep, I'll wake up when I need you but for now I need you to recharge", he gave me a reluctant glare before moving to the sofa and lying down.

"Promise you won't let me sleep for too long", he said looking me in the eye.

"I promise" I replied knowing I'd need his help sooner or later. I went back to her box of the missing girls belonging and started sorting through them. It had been 30 minutes before I got the last of the boxes. I looked up at Reid and saw a gentle smile on his face as he slept peacefully, I looked down and smiled. I started rummaging through the contents and at the bottom I found a shoe box; I lifted it open and found a box of Barbies, their hair cut jagged along with their dresses, their eyes crossed out with black in. The girl is being molested. My heart sunk as saw barbie after barbie. I quickly put them down and turned to the journals, I quickly flicked through the pages trying to see something, anything important. I got almost to the end of the journal which described the man taking her up to her room, the man feeling at the edge of her skirt, it was always the the man but no actual description. I clicked my phone open quickly and dialled a number.

"Hotch, hi it yn, Riley was being molested, there is not description of who did it but it was to be someone she knows well", I told him.

"There is a possibility that he has taken her but why draw attention to his elf when nobody even suspected him?", he pondered down the phone

"You're right it would make any sense... um maybe it was someone who knew about what was happening and decided it would be easier to get rid of Riley instead of the man". Hotch agreed with me and said that he would talk to family members. He asked me where Reid was and I said in the bathroom worried that he would here the lie in my voice but he took it and hung up. I looked over at Reid and walked over to him. I hesitated, unsure of how to wake him up but I rested my hand on his shoulder and gently shook him.

"Reid, you got to get up", I said quietly and he sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes. I felt a smile creep on my face as I looked at his sleepy face and I tried to hide it.

"I'm awake, I'm awake", he mumbled, his voice deeper than usual. Damn that was hot, no no, focus he's a coworker and child, missing. I updated Reid quickly on what happened and we got to work quickly. We soon discovered that it was her grandfather that had been molesting her but he swore up and down that he'd never hurt Riley. After calling Hotch he managed to break the grandmother into telling her where she had hide her. Reid and I drove all the way to the boat were Riley was supposedly being kept.

"Riley!... Riley", you could hear various voices call out but she was know where to be found. I paced up and down the narrow boat trying to think where she could be. I tripped on the carpet but luckily Reid caught my arm and stopped me from falling. I halted, and began dragging my foot across the carpet again and again my mind ticking.

"What's wrong?", Morgan asked who was with us.

"My foot keeps getting caught on something, help me tear up the carpet", I said quickly and both Reid and Morgan and I began unfixing it. Morgan finally lifted in up to reveal a trap door. I flung open the latch and shone my torch down; there was Riley, eyes red from the tears with duck tape on her mouth. "I'm yn with the FBI, I'm gonna get you out of here", I said peeling back the duck tape and she let out a cry. She feel into my arms and I carried her out refusing help from Morgan.

"You gonna let us do our job?", Emily joked next to me as we watch Riley reunited with her parents back at headquarters.

"I- I wish but um how else am I gonna get Hotch like me" I say laughing a little, to exhausted to let out a true laugh. The rest of the team walked around the corner and Reid smiled at me causing the butterflies to go crazy.

"Take the day off tomorrow we all deserve" Hotch said and Garcia cheered.

"You know what that means, dinner tomorrow, my house, everyone", Rossi said as the elevator door pinged opened and we all stepped in. Dinner at Rossi's, I was going to have to think of an excuse to cancel, how was I supposed to do to his house with everyone there. The doors reopened again breaking my chain of thought, "that means you too new girl", Rossi said before walking off to his car. I headed towards the exit before a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Where do you think you are going?", I spun around at Reid's voice.

"Uh home?", I said unsure about what was happening.

"I know that, I- I mean your not walking I'll give you a lift, no arguing", I smiled at him and walked over to his car. I hopped in and he passed me the aux already and a grin spread across my face. "Educate me in the world of music yn" he said and started the engine. I clicked play and he looked me confused. "This isn't Harry Styles", he told me confused and I shook my head.

"He is called Louis Tomlinson... I feel like this song feels right for today" I said looking at him, his eyes glancing between the road and me. We drove in silence but it wasn't awkward, he sat and listened and I quietly sung along. "I live on Stargate Avenue, number 4" I told him as the song was nearing the end and I heard him let out a chuckle. "What?", I asked sceptical.

"We are neighbours", and there went my stomach again, fluttering. He soon stopped in front of my apartment building. "I guess I'll see you at Rossi's tomorrow then".

"I actually don't think I will go" I told him and his face dropped slightly. "See it's just that I don't know how to get there or where he lives and I"

"But Rossi said you had to come", he told me sincerely and I felt guilty as hell. "Look um if you give me your number th-then I can text you his address because I don't quite remember" he says and I look into his brown eyes unable to resist and I give him my phone which he typed his number into it. "I will text you tomorrow"

"Thank you, sleep well Spence" I told him before hopping out of the car. I got into my apartment and closed the door behind and smiled at the thought of Reid floating around me head. I replayed our conversations over again and again but something didn't make sense, if he had an eidetic memory then how could he not remembers Rossi address.

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