Like Real People Do

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This is a Double update so make sure you have read the previous Chapter otherwise you about to be hella confused

Y/Ns PoV

Remember how I said that my life was close to perfect, well I take it back.

It has been four days since, whatever that was with Reid, and it is now Friday. Four days since we've have spoken unless it was necessary. Four days since I've listened to music with him. Four days since I slept well. Four days of saying goodnight to only hear the silence of my room echoed back.

Four days may not seem like a long time but going from being with him almost every second of every day to this feels unbearable. It's not as if I've not tried to speak to him, it's just that I don't know how and he made it clear that he wanted space so I'm going to give him that.

I am going to give him what he needs so that we can continue to be friends.

What makes this even worse is that I work with the best profilers in the country so it was near impossible to act like nothing was wrong. To be honest you didn't need to be a profiler to see that, we went from coming in a leaving together each day to not even being able to look at each other.

The girls had tried to get me to tell them what happened but I assured them it was nothing, of course they didn't believe me so I just get their sympathy looks and hugs. I must admit, they give the best hugs.

The first day was the worst, I had no idea where we stood. So I got up early an walked to work alone, skipping every song that made me think of him. When I got there I went straight to the round table and sat next to Emily who gave me an confused but I just smiled it off.

"Are you alright?", she said quietly, leaning towards me in her chair.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?", I reply and she just shrugs her shoulders.

Then Reid came in and I flashed him a small smile yet he just ignored me and sat in chair on the other side of the table and immediately all eyes flicked in between us too. Later on the jet I had JJ coming up to me and then once we landed I got a call off Garcia who then added Morgan into the call. Even Hotch asked if everthynig was alright. Don't get me wrong, it was incredibly nice of everyone to check up on me but it was just making me feel even worse over a silly little thing that shouldn't even have me as upset as I was in the first place.

Today though, I was going to attempt to talk to Spence a little bit more, because as muched as I understood he wanted his space I needed less of it. But I wasn't going to push it.

There was no case today so we remained at headquarters sorting through paper work. From the moment that I woke up from my 3 hour sleep I felt sick from the nerves and I had been trying to calculate the best moment to talk to him.

It was nearing the end of the day and I still hadn't had my chance until I saw him get up to go to the bathroom. I waited a minute or two before I got up and headed the same direction as him and just as I rounded the corner my eyes landed on him walking out the bathroom door.

I felt body relax and tense up at the same time if that's even possible and I sucked in a big as breathe as possible, preparing myself for this. When he noticed me, I saw his walking falter for a second before continuing to walk down the tiled hallway.

Thankfully the corridor was empty and as I got closer to him the sick feeling in my stomach heightened and before I knew it I was a foot away from him and I stopped in my tracks.

"Hey Spence", I say quietly.

"Hi", he replies with the same tone.

"Can we talk for a second?", I ask, all I wanted to know is where we stood.

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now